c̸h̸o̸i̸c̸e̸ 🍁

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Jungkook suddenly jolts awake  in the middle of the night , wincing from the sudden abruptness , his body used to being on alert at all times , can't afford to sleep like a dead meat with enemies constantly lurking in the shadows.

Checking his phone for the time " fucking 2am" he whispers with a slight groan , with a sigh he turns , met with an angelic sight , the pretty red haired damsel from last night " dazzling " he says , admiring closely.

He observes taehyung's features on his face , cute mole on his cheeks ,  cherry blossom lips and pretty lashes , watching as he sleeps soundly , he knows its so unlike him but pushes it aside , wanting to enjoy the beauty.

"What if you are to be my escape taehyung? that with you I can be happy? No one needs to know , I don't like having weaknesses but you're like a gem , a gem I must protect from the evil of this world " He chuckles at his own contradicting thoughts.

He  is the evil.

Getting up quietly as to not  wake the sleepy baby , he gets dressed , leaving the apartment , heading downstairs to see his driver and body guards already waiting as usual , right on guard , they follow him everywhere and they don't leave except he permits them too.

" stay here till dawn , make sure no had us followed " he orders the body guards who bow in unison , one of them opening the car door for him to get in .

" Morning boss " his chauffeur says , jungkook meeting his eyes at the dash board mirror.

" mark the address , seems we'll be coming here more often , your uttermost descretion is required as well , understood!? " Jungkook says to his driver referring to taehyung's home adress.

" yes boss"



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" its 2am "

"Jesus fucking Christ , Jimin! " jumping on the spot , stepping into his study only to be startled by his young half brother .

" you scared the shit out of me" jungkook whisper yells , almost having a heart attack at the sudden voice as he previously thought everyone would have been asleep.

" that's not very holy of you to say now is it?" Jimin says , referring to jungkook's cursing .

Jungkook rolls his eyes " holy my ass , says the person that practices fucking witchcraft  , why the fuck are you up anyways... " he asks in annoyance , grabbing a glass cup to pour himself a drink.

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