e̸n̸ g̸u̸a̸r̸d̸i̸a̸ 🍁

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Jimin and Taehyung are deep in concentration, weaving a cloaking spell around Jimin's cabin. Jungkook had warned them of a potential attack tonight, stressing the importance of making the cabin invisible to any would-be intruders.

While Jungkook can't predict every possible complication, he knows keeping a vigilant eye on Hyunjin, the prime suspect, is crucial.

The spell, once cast, will activate at nightfall, rendering the cabin unseen to unwelcome guests.

"Should anything unusual occur, swiftly enter the circle and persist in chanting the spells to maintain its strength," Jimin instructs Taehyung, his hands resting on Taehyung's shoulders with deliberate care.

"But what are they seeking?" Taehyung inquires, a hint of worry in his voice.

"It's uncertain, but it's likely they're after either the black ruby or perhaps you," Jimin reveals as he tidies away some scattered books.

"Me?- But why is the black ruby so coveted?" Taehyung asks, visibly concerned.

"Let's discuss that later. For now, can you pass me the bag of purified salt?" Jimin requests, urgency in his tone, underscoring the pressing nature of their preparations.

Taehyung hands him the bag, and Jimin meticulously pours the salt onto the floor, forming a protective circle large enough for both of them.

Although the cabin will be hidden, they're aware that magic has its vulnerabilities; hence, a secondary safeguard is essential.

"Should the spell's veil falter, join me within this circle and step out under no circumstances," Jimin advises as he positions candles at strategic points around the perimeter and inscribes incantations on the ground with black ink.

"Understood," Taehyung responds, readiness and resolve evident in his agreement.

"Sé fuerte y no temas, Taehyung,"
("Be strong and do not fear, Taehyung,")

"¿Y si algo sale mal?" ("And if something goes wrong?")

"Entonces luchamos juntos. No estás solo en esto."(" Then we fight together. You are not alone in this.")


Jungkook and his team had already fortified their home's security before departing, ready for any unexpected threats. Now, they're navigating through the club to the VIP room where Hyunjin is supposedly awaiting Jungkook's arrival.

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