c̸o̸c̸k̸t̸a̸i̸l̸s̸ 🍁

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The entire house glows softly with the warm flicker of Christmas candles nestled in every corner, casting gentle shadows that dance across the walls. Winter seems to have arrived too swiftly, Taehyung muses, wondering how time slips away so effortlessly.

It's been six months since he moved into the mansion, and with this being the final month of the year, it marks two years since he left Korea.

Since he last saw his father. Not that he cares, but the thought still crosses his mind from time to time—what is his father up to?

Lost in his thoughts, they gather around the dining table for lunch.

Suddenly, a voice breaks through Taehyung's reverie. "Jin dear, where do you want to go for your birthday?" Taehyung is startled, finding Jungkook's palm resting on his, offering comfort.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook's concern is evident as he notices Taehyung's distracted state, his plate still largely untouched.

"Yeah, I'm fine, really," Taehyung replies with a forced smile, finally taking a bite of his meal.

"I think we should all go camping and spend time at the resort, just us. It would be perfect for me," Jin suggests earnestly, addressing Namjoon.

"That sounds wonderful, right Tae?" Jimin interjects, his elegant fork poised delicately in his hand, while Hoseok offers a comforting touch under the table.

"Yes, of course. It would be my first time camping in winter," Taehyung chimes in with a hint of enthusiasm.Interrupting the meal, one of the butlers approaches Jungkook with a package.

Opening it reveals invitation letters to a cocktail event—"Tonight."

Jungkook's breath catches as he reads further, spotting the name "Mariana."

"She's back, isn't she? Your long-lost love?" Jimin teases, a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

"Who's Mariana?" Taehyung inquires, placing his fork down gently, his curiosity piqued.

"Oh, Tae bear, Jungkook will tell you himself," Jimin replies coyly.

Jungkook hands the invitations back to the butler to distribute among the others.

"Ah, the dress code is elegant black and a mask , celebrating the return of Mariana the II," Hoseok remarks cheerfully.

Jungkook remains silent, his thoughts swirling. "After all these years , she decides to come back. Just who does she think she is?" he muses, trying to calm his racing heart.

Meanwhile, Taehyung feels a heavy weight settle in his chest, a mix of sadness, jealousy, and fear.

Does Jungkook even love him? His confidence wavers as he realizes the significance of Mariana's return to Jungkook.


Alone in his room, Taehyung contemplates his feelings. He feels like a burden—on his mother, and now, perhaps, on Jungkook.

Would Jungkook even want him to attend such an event? The doubt gnaws at him, leaving him feeling utterly helpless and lost.

Lost in his thoughts, Taehyung sits amidst the array of clothes in his closet, methodically arranging them. Memories of little Jose and Monica flood his mind, and despite his longing to see them, he knows it's not safe.

They're still searching for him, and he can't risk their safety. A single tear escapes his eye, unnoticed until it trickles down his cheek. Sniffling, he tries to hold back the flood of emotions, but they overwhelm him, and he breaks down.

In that moment, he misses his mother intensely, feeling the weight of her absence.

She must have perished trying to protect him—a thought that haunts him, feeding into the relentless nightmares that plague his sleep.

Unable to hold back any longer, he cries himself to sleep amidst the comfort of his clothes, snoring softly until evening descends, wrapping him in its gentle embrace.

"Tae Darling?" Jimin's voice breaks the silence, drawing Taehyung's attention as he enters the room. His heart melts at the sight of the baby bear nestled in the pile of clothes, stirring awake.

"Hey, Jimin ,  Whoa," Taehyung remarks, admiring Jimin's stunning appearance in his elegant black dress.

"You look stunning," he compliments, feeling a pang of envy at Jimin's effortless elegance.

"Thank you "

" Please come help me put this necklace on, the others are downstairs waiting for me," Jimin requests.

"What? Is it nighttime already?" Taehyung checks the time, surprised to find it's already 9 o'clock. He must have slept longer than he realized.

Quickly assisting Jimin with the necklace, Taehyung debates whether to join the others downstairs. Despite his hesitation, he decides to go, eager to catch a glimpse of Jungkook looking handsome as ever.

As he enters the hallway , Taehyung's gaze falls upon Jungkook engrossed in an urgent conversation with one of the security guards. He can't help but feel a twinge of sadness, wishing Jungkook would dress up like that for him.

After everyone leaves, Taehyung finds himself alone and missing Jungkook terribly.

Seeking solace in his space, he heads to Jungkook's room, hoping to feel his presence. However, his attention is diverted by some letters hidden in a book on the shelf.

Unable to resist the temptation, Taehyung retrieves the letter, knowing it's private but unable to stop himself.

The date on the letter reveals it's from five years ago, addressed to Mariana.

"You shouldn't have left me. I'm a mess without you," the words on the letter resonate deeply with Taehyung, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions.

Why did Jungkook keep these letters? Does he still love her?

Lost in his thoughts and overwhelmed by uncertainty, Taehyung retreats to his room, pulling the blanket tightly around himself as tears cascade down his cheeks, his heart heavy with unanswered questions.


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