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Taehyung waits patiently in the cabin, Jimin having gone to gather special herbs for tomorrow's ritual. As he attempts to memorize the bonding spell, the serene atmosphere of the cabin is enhanced by the comforting scent of Jimin's herbs.

"Madre naturaleza, hacemos lo que...," Taehyung recites before getting stuck on the next line, frustration evident in his voice as he struggles with the incantation.

"Fuck!!" he exclaims in exasperation, feeling defeated after an hour of unsuccessful attempts. Slumping back onto the pillows, he resigns himself to his temporary failure.

"You're doing it wrong," a voice suddenly interrupts his thoughts, causing Taehyung to look up and see Jimin's return.

"Finally, you're back "

" whoa," Taehyung says, admiring the glowy plants and herbs Jimin has brought with him.

Jimin carefully arranges the items, preparing them for the ritual while Taehyung observes as Jimin removes his coat and changes into a soft white shirt, Taehyung can't help but comment on his flawless skin.

"Whoa, your skin is so flawless," Taehyung remarks, genuinely impressed.

"Yeah , benefits from the herbs," Jimin replies casually, prompting Taehyung to gag at the thought of consuming the bitter herbs.

"It's not bitter ,  if that's what you think," Jimin reassures him with a chuckle, knowing Taehyung's aversion to the taste.

Rolling his eyes in response, Taehyung watches as Jimin prepares a concoction using the herbs and rose water, pounding them into a pot and adding a green liquid before sprinkling rose water onto the scent leaf.

He then turns to face taehyung who is already giving him a weird look , wondering what the fuck he was mixing.

Jimin smiles , getting on the carpet full of cushions were taehyung is seated , sitting cross legged in front of him.

Placing the rose water , scent leaves in their middle , book opened to a particular spell at his front and the mini bowl of herb mixture that had a spoon in it , in his hands.

The smoking scent leaves distracting taehyung as he is lost in its beauty and heavenly scent , not paying attention to what jimin is feeding him.

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