Chapter Nine

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"Isla" it was Gerry.
"Gerry hi. Nice break?"
"Yes. But I came back to quite a worrying report from PC Woods about the behaviour on the expedition last Friday. You want to send me over your version of events by lunch and I think there will be some suspensions. I won't have my staff treated this way. I hope you know that you're safe here in this school. We have a zero tolerance bullying policy."
Bloody Dani trying to save me, "yeah I'll send you a report".
"Also got a call from Christie Hogan's residential home. She didn't come home last night. Thought you could pop out second period check in with the police"
"Okay I'll check it out"
Isla went back to her book and coffee.
"What was that about?"
"Hey Sam. Christie has went awol from the children's home and Dani reported the DofE group for picking on me." She nods and smiled.
"She doesn't get it" Sam smiled.
"No, she thinks she's helping"
"What's the deal with you guys anyway?" Sam was a good guy. A discreet guy but still.
He pulled a face.
"Okay so we almost went out a few months back. But it's nothing"
"That's a shame." He drains his coffee cup. "Mind there's always my cousin if you're desperate" he joked.
"You know what I'll keep that in mind" Isla smiled.
The bell rang. The teachers stood up and headed for the door.
"Grace. Could you let me know if Christie Hogan doesn't register this morning please. She's absconded from the residential, just want to see if she appears at school before I head to the police."
"No worries Isla. I'll pop in before first period."


Where is she. She tried calling Christie's number. She blocked her number first. No response. Turns out it wasn't last night Christie disappeared, no one could be certain they had seen her since Friday night. Two days nearly three.
Isla entered the station. She held the door for a woman entering after her. A redhead in her mid 20s she guessed. She looked like a student.

Oh hell it was Stuart Cochrane who was on the desk.
"Hi Stuart. Is Dani in?"
He accessed his radio, "hey squirt your girls here"
"I'm not Dani's girlfriend" Isla replied straight off
"Yeah I know, she is" he pointed to the redhead.

The two women gave each other the once over both agreeing that the redhead was prettier.
"How you doing Lyns? She'll not be long"
"Yeah good Stew. Great night on Saturday eh?"
"Yeah, heard Squirts not been home since Friday." He gave her a sleazy wink.

She must have been the date. But I guess it's been going on a wee bit longer when she seemed to know the guys. She felt hot, a wee bit sicky and sad. Why am I jealous?
"Isla" Dani said exiting the door.
"Hey babe" the redhead smiled "you forgot this, this morning. Guess you were preoccupied"
Dani looked embarrassed. "Cheers"
"What no kiss?"
Dani quickly glanced over at Isla, then gave the redhead a peck on the cheek.
"What, that's it?"
"I'm at my work. Okay" Dani half smiled "I'll see you later"
"Okay" the redhead left the station.
"Sorry about that"
"It's okay" Isla lied.
"We've been seeing each other a few weeks,"
"I said don't worry about it."
"I'm guessing you're here about Christie"
"Come on through" Dani held the door open. Isla looked her directly in the eyes as she passed, momentarily looking at her lips. Come on Isla they belong to someone else now. They were never yours anyway.

"So you any ideas?"
"Have you tried Kelly's?"
"Thought they'd broke up again"
"They break up all the time then get back together. All I know is neither of them are in school. Can't believe the home didn't notice she'd been away so long"
"Yeah, agency staff apparently. But also she's almost 17 so"
"So they don't give a shit" Isla shook her head.
"When did you last speak to her?"
"The Thursday before the October break. She was talking about her Dad's time being extended because he beat a guard in the prison. She also said that, the foster family that Jordan and Jason are living with had asked Social Work if they could foster the boys on a more permanent basis. So she was a bit worried about her mum coming back out to no family and drinking again."
Dani was taking notes. She looked up occasionally, watching Isla's lips move while she talked. The best kiss I've had in my life was from those lips. She studied Isla's face. God, she's beautiful. What you doing Dani? You can't be thinking about her like this. You're seeing Lynsey.
"Sorry. You were saying about her family"
"Yeah then I said about maybe you should try her grans. Or have you tried her house?"
"No. We haven't. Why would she go there, there will be no power or anything"
"Because it's still her home"
"Okay. Thanks I'll pass this out and get them to check all they places."
"Will you keep me posted"
"Yeah" Dani smiled. "I have to be in school next week. Most of the week."
"Yeah, just giving you the heads up like if your planning on buying some biscuits" Dani grinned.
"You know how to make a girl feel special" Isla smiled back. "You want a lift"
"Yeah if you'd be up for that."
Isla nodded. She stood up.
"I'll see you out."

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