Chapter 1

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"Ringgg! Ringgg! Ringgg!", I heard my alarm clock ring. It was soon thrown on the wall and it broke. God I have to stop breaking my alarm clock.

I was finally awake, I checked my phone it was 3 o clock in the morning. After my workout for 1 hour I had to go freshen up and go to my parents house and cook them breakfast or else I would be getting another beating. Yup you guessed it right I have been abused my whole life.

Getting refreshed, I was standing in front of the mirror noticing the scars on my body even though they have faded, the memories don't fade. Pulling out some clothes I got ready into that.

Wearing a leather jacket on top of this, and leaving my hair as it is in a free wavy style and putting on some light makeup, just doing my eyes I locked my home and headed to cook breakfast for my so called family

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Wearing a leather jacket on top of this, and leaving my hair as it is in a free wavy style and putting on some light makeup, just doing my eyes I locked my home and headed to cook breakfast for my so called family.

You can ask me why I have not reported to the police, just cause my step dad has connections all over the place and he might hurt me more than what he is doing right now. Heading down I text to my gang that I will be reaching school in an hour and ordered them to be in school or else they can face my wrath.

I just go to school so I can control these idiots. Yes I have already graduated and have businesses all over the world. So let me introduce myself to you people, My name is Isabella Cooper. I own the most dangerous gang in the world and I am the worlds best assassin, street racer, fighter and hacker which is present. I also think that my mom kidnaped me from my former family to keep me with her. But I feel like they have not searched for me so I don't care. I don't mind its not like they are gonna love me or anything they will just disown me as always.

I got into my baby yes u guessed it right my car Ferrari Roma. And I speed up to reach the house which I was abused in and everything bad has happened to me.

After I reached, I silently opened the back door and entered the house and made them some omelets, bacon, bread and coffee and wanted to check if they were up or not

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After I reached, I silently opened the back door and entered the house and made them some omelets, bacon, bread and coffee and wanted to check if they were up or not. Once I reached the living room they looked like they have been dosed of for ages. And they stink of alcohol and drugs. God!

I quickly exited the building to go to hell. Yup guessed it right school. I blasted music in my car and speed of to school. Everyone turned their heads to my direction. Why cant they mind their own business this is what happens every day and they do this every day god I hate it.

I got out of my car and headed towards my friends. They are very special to me and I would give my life for them. They have helped me through so much that I don't know how to repay them.

Here they stand all of them smirking at me cause i hate the attention which was given to me right now by all the students they were watching me like a hawk.

I went and hugged Blake he is like a brother to me, just as I got out of Blake's hug the girls pulled me in one. The girls meaning Alexa and Elena. There used to be 2 more people in this gang but they had to go back to finish their family business and take care if their empire. Ace and Natasha Henderson I miss them soo much hopefully I meet them soon.

"We miss them too you know just call them and see I am sure they will pick up" Blake said out of no where. And I quickly snapped my head back to him and stared at him like who the fuck are you. He just told that "I have known you for a long time kiddo" and ruffled my hair which irritated me and I glared at him. Which made him throw up his hand and tell "ohh god I surrender I don't want to die". We chuckled at miss drama queen and entered the school.

I stopped by my locker to take some books out and the bell rang. I was quite bored to go to English class. You know how it is so damn boring and the professor is more idiotic than I taught. First of all his name is Mr Skinner and he will be blabbering about how to keep your desks tidy. I mean what the hell does it have to do with English.

After 15 minutes I entered the class with a bang. All the students turned their heads to me and sat back thinking this was gonna take a long time. Mr Skinner was irritated by the amount of redness he had on his face he didn't need a blush to prove it.

As I walked into the classroom and sat at the end next to the window, Mr Skinner called me and asked "Isabella why are u late again?" And i replied back "better coming to class late than missing the session, its not like you teach something productive".

He was fuming with anger because everyone was snickering and trying to control their laughter but couldn't. He let it slide cause i think he didn't care at all.

I was being woken up by the boy who was sitting next to me and the speakers boomed. "Isabella Cooper to the principles office please. I repeat Isabella Cooper to the principles office please". And the mike was turned off.

I got up from my seat and grabbed my stuff and went to open the door but didn't forget to tell goodbye to my dearest classmates. I yelled " goodbye bitches probably I am getting suspended and I have no reason why"

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