Chapter 36

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All of us were happy with the plan which we had decided; Xavier, Sandro, Tino and me are taking the front entrance with some men. While Enzo, Damon, the twins and Blake are taking the back entrance. Lex and Lena will be watching us from the cameras telling us what to do Lex telling my team while Lena will be telling Blake's. 

All of us were ready to go get this mother fucker, we got into our vehicles not missing a small sigh on dad's face, he wanted to be with us on this bust but all of us protested that we can take on the heir of Mexican Mafia and didn't need his help, moreover I know he was concerned for all of us. I kissed his cheeks and told him to not stress it out and it will be over in no time. 

After sometime in the car we reached the warehouse, I started giving some basic orders to the men, Xavier inputting some points while cutting in the conversation, while all the men went to get ready for the mission to see everything was strapped on them, Xavier was with me. "Love, as much as I don't want you to come with me inside, I know how much ever I tell you will get your ass inside, so please stay by my side" He whispered pulling me closer to him, and his hands were on my waist. I nodded my head and kissed his lips softly, and he kissed me back with an instant.

All of us went in I shot people who were coming on my way with no remorse, I hadn't shown any when I was an assassin and nothing was about to be changed now. Xavier was by my side, he didn't leave my side nor I left his, it was a way for protecting each other even if we knew they were fine if they were left alone. Both the teams cleared the area very quickly, and we headed towards the safe room knowing that Sabastian will be in safe. All of us planned and blasted the safe with our bombs and we went inside to get Sebastian.

He was peacefully sleeping when we entered, he should have been atleast a little bit scared that he threatened the Mafia King and the Italian mafia but he was fucking sleeping. Tino poured water on him while I shot his hand. I know I am very nice preson, he looked scared seeing two different mafias in his base. "Well hello Sebastian, what are we going to do with you?" I told him and he shivered hearing the cold voice. "Someone call his dad and let him fucking know what his son did and we have him in capture." Xavier told someone from his mafia and he nodded and left telling a yes sir. "Put him in the cell make sure he gets proper beating before his father arives" I told some of the garuds and they nodded and dragged him out of here and all of us left and bombed the place so the police don't find any of our DNA's.

Soon we reached home and I saw papà pacing around in the house looking stressed but his face was relived when he saw us coming without any harm and he came and hugged me. "We are fine papà calm down" I told him. "Nah I don't care about anyone I was just worried about you" he told making everyone throw heys around the room, "just kidding guys" he told and mumbled a not and everyone told him they heard that.

Everyone were tired and soon we went to our bedrooms to relax.

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