Chapter 10

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I immediately knew that I messed up, cause I knew that they recognized me. I have the same eyes as theirs, greenish blue. And I guess Antino saw my face when that idiotic person tried to rip it up in the fight.

I stood there staring at my family, I quickly told them that I will meet you at the house and ran away from the back exit. I saw that everyone was fuming with anger. I have gotten myself in a messed up situation.

I took the long way to reach home cause I didn't want to face them. You know it is kind of scary when 5 people who are angry ask question which makes it hard for me to answer. Ughh I hate my situation.

I reached home and was about to slip past them, but Enzo saw me and carried me and made me sit on the couch present in the living room. They started throwing questions at me and I was about to laugh because their face was red with anger.

"Okay okay, can you people stop all this, I am kind of feeling sleepy can we continue this in the morning", I told them and ran to my room. I quickly changed to my pj's was about to get into the bed but my door flew open. I know it literally flew open. Tino threw me on his shoulder and again I was placed on the couch.

 Tino threw me on his shoulder and again I was placed on the couch

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"Fine please leave me I wont run away again", I reassured them. I saw dad nod towards Tino indicating him to leave me. "Explain young lady" dad said. Tears started streaming down my eyes, they are breaking my wall, I have only stayed here about a couple of days, Can I trust them? I was having an argument in my head.

I calmed myself down and started explaining to them, starting from the beginning. "So basically when I was 6 years old my abuse started. Dominic was the one who made my mom start this. It continued for like 2 years, but after that he sold me to the russians.

You know how cruel they are, that is where I met Ace even he was kidnaped at that time. For 4 years we were stuck there we bonded, he was there when I needed the most. The Russians tourchered me, trained me to my maximum. We decided to escape the place we were stuck in one day. After training we collected a few weapons and killed a few guards and ran away. Me and Ace stayed together with each other for 1 year and he helped me build the gang with Nat and Elena. After that the police found me and handed me to Dominic. He kind of knew everyone. Again I was back in my hell hole but this time I knew I could defend myself when something happens.

But I guess I cant fight my monsters alone. Dominic came home drunk one night and started beating the shit out of me and raped me, he didn't hear the whatever I was telling me. After that night he would do that most of the time, he used me for his pleasure and my so called mother used to enjoy it so much. I am happy that they died", I told them.

I didn't know I was crying until the twins came and hugged me and told nothings in my ear. Dad was fuming with anger and Lorenzo was clenching his fists together to beat someone the hell out. Alessandro was also no good. Tino punched throw the stand where the TV was present and there was a bang heard.

Dad came and sat beside me and asked, "Princess why didn't you tell anything, we could have done something to help you". I wanted to lighten the mood so I wiped my tears and said "what can an old man like you do that the best assassin couldn't do?" "Right I totally forgot that you were the best assassin" the twins cheered up. I laughed at them and walked to Tino and asked first aid from Andro, bought it and handed it to me.

I made Tino sit down and started taking the glass pieces out and applied antiseptic on it and cleaned it and covered it with bandage. And hugged him so he could let out his emotions out, he started crying making me cry to, "I should have been there so I could have protected you, it is all my fault I am going to kill them" he said. All my brothers and my dad agreed.

I let him calm down and went to a playful mood. "How will you kill them, all I know is that you don't even know how to use proper weapons." "Umm princess we have to tell you something, we are the Italian Mafia" Andro said. "Ya I know cause I hacked into your system to see it, at least you admitted it now" I said with a yawn. The chuckled and threw aww's around and slept on Tino's lap.

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