Chapter 22

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Now I know why none of my brothers wanted to join me because, this man here is the strictest of teachers there is present but I didn't mind cause I do whatever he told us to do daily so I finished before 15 mins of everyone and Xavier looked impressed. He came next to me and asked what I wanted to do today, I just told anything is fine and he just nodded. "Come on get up I can see you are bored, and honestly I have never seen any person who finishes my warm up in 30 mins so you and I will spear while they finish, don't worry sweetheart I will go easy on you" he said softly and also had a smirk on his face, while I just scoffed at him.

We got into the ring, I knew that he won't attack first so I attacked him first, he ducked and grabbed my hand and flipped me over. We were circling each other for a few minutes trying to figure out our opponents weaknesses, if he had one he didn't show any and I didn't show any as well. He attacked me and I defended myself from him. We were throwing punches and attacking each other till everyone finished and started watching us very curiously of who is going to win the fight. After sometime I guess he got bored so he punched me in the face, god I am gonna look like an idiot tomorrow in school and I will have a bruise. I got angry that he hit me so i kicked him in the stomach and punched him in his face. He took a few seconds to regain so I took that as an advantage and tried to kick him but he grabbed my leg and pulled me down and me being me I pulled him down with me.

We were trying to tackle each other while we were on the ground and no one was pulling away, I pushed him off me and stood up to only look at him also standing. God does he not give up but I think I was a bit over confident cause he was nice more like a god. For like 20 more minutes we were trying to fight each other and we were tired and no one was giving up I could tell from the fighting stance he still has. "God, they will pass out do something and get them out of the ring and let them calm down" I heard Enzo tell. "I don't think they will listen to us now they are all too much involved in defeating each other" Tino replied him back. "I don't know, I don't want any one of them in the hospital drag them out of the ring" dad said with anger dripping off him. I guess that was the que for my brothers and our friends to come inside the ring and pull us out.

We were outside the ring and still people were holding us so we don't attack each other but we both Xavier and me burst out laughing and we fell on the floor. But not gonna lie it was a good release of anger but I shouldn't have released it on him. Everyone looked kinda confused but we ignored them and I saw blood on Xavier's face so I reached towards him with a damp cloth and started cleaning his wound. Everyone looked at me like I have grown two heads or something but I ignored them and asked Xavier, "Are you fine? I am sorry!!! I just can't control myself when I am in the ring". He just chuckled and said, "I am fine Ela, and I should ask you how you are not the other way around and I completely understand how you couldn't control yourself" my heart fluttered with the new nickname he gave me and he moved closer to me and kept his hand on my cheeks and started inspecting the injury he gave me.

He sighed after a while and told everyone that the training has ended and literally dragged me to the kitchen and left me standing there and went to the fridge to only get a blow filled with ice. He looked at me and I guess he saw how confused I looked and chuckled at my reaction and he lifted me up and placed me on the slab on the kitchen and was standing in between my legs. I had butterflies in my stomach after he did that. I was actually surprised that he is doing all this for me. He picked up the ice from the bowl and started keeping it on my cheeks, I took a piece of ice and kept it above his eyebrow because I know I hit him hard.

We were so lost in each other we never saw my brothers and dad enter the kitchen, "why hurt each other if you just feel bad for hurting each other?" Mattia whispered. "I am going to beat you children up if you pull another stunt like that ever again" dad said ignoring what Mattia said. He came towards us and I was still on the slab but Xavier just hugged me and said a small sorry which only I could hear. "You mister hands off my daughter" I heard dad say in a joking tone. He just tightened the grip for a second and released me, papà came and checked our injuries and saw it was nothing serious and sighed a breath of relief. Xavier put me down, of the counter and just after a second later papà pulled us into a hug.

And Mattio and Mattia screamed group hug and everyone joined. Dad sent all of us to freshen up telling is that we stink and all of us pouted simultaneously and he just laughed at us because of the faces he made. I reached my room but before closing someone came in and closed the door. "I am really sorry princess, I am so sorry that I hurt you" Xavier said with a apologetic face and my eyes softened and I pulled him into a hug and told "it's fine Xav, I am sorry too" I told in a baby voice because I wanted to lighten the mood. He chuckled at my voice and held me till he calmed down. He removed his hand and I immediately missed the warmth and I frowned and I guess Xavier saw my reaction and laughed. I looked at him and saw amusement in his eyes, I guess he didn't expect me to frown and all.

He pulled me again into his embrace and told, "even I wish I could hold you forever sweetheart" I just melted in his arms. It felt nice to be in his arms and I released we were still in the gym clothes and I just threw him out of the room and he just chuckled at my reactions and told, "you amuse me Ella you really do" and walked away to his room. I went inside my bathroom and took a shower for like 10 mins and came out to dry my hair and out on some clothes.

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I went down and saw everyone were huddled in the living room, and "aww you look cute princess" I heard Mattio and Mattia say at the same time

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I went down and saw everyone were huddled in the living room, and "aww you look cute princess" I heard Mattio and Mattia say at the same time. Creepy but I am getting used to it, "I am not cute for the last time" I tell them but they all just said aww and made me more angry and they laughed at my reaction. I saw Xavier and Brook was also here, when Brook saw me she ran to me and gave cute a puppy face and made grabby hands. "Now this is what I call cute" I tell my so called family, I picked up Brook and showered her with kisses and she just laughed. "No both of you look cute" Antino said making everyone agree including Xav.

I just shook my head at their reactions and went and sat next to Xavier Brook still in my arms. I think Xavier didnt like the space between us so he pulled me closer to him and kissed my head and also Brooks head.

Antino's POV

I saw my baby sister all cuddled up with my best friend and Brook in her arms. I felt like I should protect Bella even if I put my life at risk, I will do anything for her. "How come Bella and Xavier are so blind that they can't see that they like each other?" I heard Mattia tell. "It's not that they are blind but both of them have been through some shit and they are not able to decide how the other person will react if they find out" I heard Alessandro tell. We just nodded and gave conformation.  "They will make a nice couple" I heard dad tell. I could tell there was a hint of sadness because his princess is growing up. But I am happy for them, they should give each other support and they can help each other out. I can feel it. I watched my sister get comfortable with Brook in her arms and Xavier hugging her from behind. She looked happy and she looked like she was in peace just like when she was with us. I guess Xavier made her feel safe. I know that we just introduced Xavier to her as the leader of the American mafia but there is more, he is the Mafia King. Yup my friend is the mafia king and he is becoming cozy with my sister. I just laughed, the ruthless and stone cold leader was now confused on what he felt towards Bella.

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