Chapter 19

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We went inside after our so called race. I went inside the kitchen to see Enzo and Nat making out and I did the most insane thing that came to my mind, I screamed shouting, "ohh my virgin eyes, I really should unwatch what I have watched please kill me already" Enzo glared at me for ruining their moment but I don't care because Nat came running to give me a hug. Damn I love this bitch. I hugged her back and we started annoying shit out of Enzo while I heard a familiar voice laughing. "Never would have taught that the mafia leader will be scared of two girls" Xavier said.

"Thankgod save me from these two idiots they are gonna kill me" he whined. Everyone came into the kitchen to see what was happening but they ended up laughing seeing Enzo whining. Dad came up to me and pulled me for a hug and kissed me after he saw Xavier he pulled him to a hug to, kind of surprising he was showing emotion around but I didn't question. All the boys did some bro hug thingy and Xavier told that his mom and sis is coming to eat diner with us. My dad just nodded, I guess this was normal.

I just went and sat in the gaming room and watched my brothers play COD shouting at each other, it is kind if relaxing you know. Xavier pulled me to a couch and we sat there looking at my brothers play. "Sweetheart, you do know that we have to practice for the dance right?" He asked. To which I just nodded at the same time Elena came and cuddled next to Antino and I smiled at the sight in front of me and also saw Xavier smile at them. I dragged him out of the gaming room and we went to the dance room.

After choreographing the dance for about 1 hour we decided to try it out, both of us changed to more comfortable clothes and we started the dance, listening to the music and remembering the steps we created. We stumbled in the between with the tricks we practiced more for another 1 hour to get everything correct and it somewhat looks like this.

We were panting after we were done and we heard applause coming from the door and I guess the whole family was here great just great, I blushed at their compliments and hid my head in Xavier's chest, while he just chuckled and smirked at my reaction. "Yo dinner is ready that is why we came to call you people and please have a shower you both stink" after Alessandro said that everyone laughed and left the room.

We discussed more about perfecting the lifts and all the shit, after we finished discussing we headed to the rooms, I went to my room while Xavier went to the room which was right opposite of mine, I guess they have their own rooms here. I took a hot shower and decided to wear something comfortable to dinner.

(Without the belt, and the handbag)

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(Without the belt, and the handbag)

I put my hair in a high pony and went down to eat dinner but I was greeted by people running around the house to catch someone, she looked little, like very little probably around 5 years old. When they saw me they stopped and Xavier picked the girl up and came in front of me and said, "Brook, this is Isabella she is the Moretti sister and Bella this is Brooklyn, my baby sister". Brook said "hi" overly excited and I said hi with the same excitement.

She did grabby hands towards me and I carried her carefully without hurting her from Xavier. We started talking in hushed voice and everyone looked like they have seen a ghost. "You people should have other things to do except staring at us" Brook also said, "yes big bros, you people are so mean you are not meant to hear in girls conversations."

Xavier came and sat next to Brook and said, "is that so little miss, you have known her for like 15 mins and you like her more than me?" She replied with, "yes, have you seen her she looks, pwetty" I just laughed at them and got up and went to search for dad. At the right time he came, I went and hugged him, damn I missed him. "Are you okay princess?" He asked concerned, I just chuckled and nodded. He kissed me and went to Brook, after she saw her, her face lightened up like she saw candy, she ran up to him and he caught her easily and threw her in the air and they started laughing.

"You seem happy papà, anything happened?" I asked as I sat next to him. He moved closer to me and said, "damn right I am happy, I am with the most beautiful girls and they bring joy to me" he said and started tickling Brook. And I knew what would happen next because of the hint of mischief in my brothers eyes. I immediately got up and started running around the house so I could loose them, and luck was in my side cause dad decided to help me. "Papà please help these idiots are trying to kill me" I said with my puppy dog eyes. He couldn't look away so he helped me. Damn I love you dad.

When dad was done telling my brothers  that they shouldn't bother me, I just pulled my tongue out and showed it to them, ya I know very mature but what can I do. Everyone laughed at my reaction and I heard Antino mutter, "dad's little princess, always gets what she wants" I just laugh at him and hug him, to which he instantly wraps his hand around me.

I saw a women coming out of the kitchen and I immediately tensed up, I guess everyone noticed my change of emotions and papà got up and introduced me, "Princess this is Xaviers mom, Sage and Sage this is my daughter, Isabella". After her introduction I immediately relaxed knowing that she wont harm me and all, but she happily came and pulled me into a hug, I really needed that. Some motherly affection, tears started forming in my eyes and I started crying while everyone got super tensed because of that. Sage held me and let me cry out, I guess she knew what I have been through just at looking at me. After I was calmed down she just kissed my head and dragged me to sit down in the couch next to Brook who looked confused at what happened.

She had a frown in her face, and I was about to ask what happened and she told, "pwetty girls don't cry, you are pwetty don't cry" damn that melted my heart. I just nodded and picked her up and placed her on my lap while I hugged her. Everyone were happy looking at the scene which happened in front of them. I saw confusion and concern in Xaviers face but he quickly put his wall up.

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