Chapter 31

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"Ready to go princess", Xav asked, I couldn't help but nod my head. He kissed my cheeks and opened the door for me, " wow! a gentleman I see" I told him. He laughed and told, "only for you my love", I just smiled at his reply. He closed the door and came back to sit in the driver's seat. "So.... where are we going?" I asked him, Ela can you have some patience we will reach our destination don't you worry that pretty little head of yours". I just huffed at his reply. 

Throughout the journey I irritated the crap out of him and made sad faces and he resisted my pout too, but I couldn't get the answers out of him, he just told "Bella you are not gonna get any answers out of me, if you remember I have a sister just as cute as you so I have to resist myself but you are making it too hard for me princess just sit and listen to music or talk to me but I am not gonna tell you where we are going". I just huffed at him and showed him I am annoyed by him already and he just chuckled at my reaction and muttered, "so fucking cute" and grabbed my hands and kissed them, while keeping his eyes on the road. 

Knowing I am not gonna get any answers out of him I started humming to the music and he had a smile growing on his face which made me happy knowing that he was happy being with me more than anything. I was admiring his features, his eyes, his nose, how his hair is prefect, so prefect making me want to ruffle his hair. He saw me admiring him and I know that I boosted his ego because of the smirk forming on his lips, I just rolled my eyes and started looking out of the window, the comforting silence formed between us which was nice and peaceful.

He told me that we have reached the place and came out to open the door for me, I had my mouth hanging open to the decor which was in front of me, cushions, table, beach wow amazing. I guess he liked my reaction and kissed my cheeks and dragged me to the place, him aboservering my every move. I was actually surprised that someone could do this for me. I regained my emotions blocked my wall back and hugged him. "This is beautiful, how did you know that I liked beached and not so crowded dates?" he looked sheepishly at me and replied, "About that I may or may not gotten help form Tino and Elena" I just laughed at him and sat down on a cushion". 

I knew he noticed that I put my wall back up because he frowned at that but we got interrupted by a phone call he received, Damon's name popped up on the screen and he looked at me and I just told him to pick it up

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I knew he noticed that I put my wall back up because he frowned at that but we got interrupted by a phone call he received, Damon's name popped up on the screen and he looked at me and I just told him to pick it up. He attended the call and came angry back, he had a cold look on his face, it made me shiver under his grace. He had a powerful aura around him and I didn't know what to do, how many ever times I made sure that he won't hurt me I knew was having a panic attack remembering the cold look on his face. 

All the memories came rushing back to me the abuse they put me through all the words they said about me and many more.  I felt a hand touch my shoulder, but I flinched hard and I could see that Xavier looked hurt because of me flinching back but he didn't let it show that much, I started crying, he pulled me towards him and told me to calm down, I felt my mind becoming calm because of his touch and his voice. I relaxed in his arms and hugged him for sometime, he hugged me back and comforted me. I settled down after sometime, "umm... what was the call about" I asked Xavier. He looked up at me with disbelief that i was changing the subject but he answered my question, "I just found out that someone stolen containers worth millions from the docks today, now that you have gotten your answer don't change the subject again, I am concerned about you, please tell me what happened for you to react like that, I won't force you to tell me but when you are comfortable please do tell me maybe I can solve it."

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just I am afraid on how you will react if you know my past, I don't want to lose you because I am starting to like you and I would go back to my old self if I don't have you by my side" I told Xavier. He looked at me and gave me a small smile, smile that made my heart melt, "Bella I have started to like you too, and I am pretty sure I won't be able to be away from you, everyone has a past even I do I wouldn't judge you for it." I just nodded my head for his response. I was deciding how to tell him everything, I had millions of thoughts in my mind right now, organising everything I looked up at him with tears dropping out of my eyes. 

He sat down on the cushions and pulled me to sit on his lap, wiped the tears which was coming out of my eyes and he waited patiently for me to tell him everything. He rubbed my back slowly, I started telling him everything, from how I was kidnapped by my mother at a young age from my family, how her and so called stepfather abused me and raped me without any mercy, how they sold me off to some russians so they could get money, how they treated me to not show any emotions, how they wanted me to be their weapon, what they did to me in the base before Ace got there, how we escaped from there. I filled Xavier up on everything that happened in my life. I was sobbing after I completed telling him everything. 

"Calm down Bella, you don't know how strong you are, no one would have courage to keep living if they were in your place, you don't know how many hearts you have won after coming back home. You are the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time." He had tears in his eyes when he told me all these things I made myself comfortable in his lap and kissed his cheeks. He kissed me on my forehead and told me that he should probably open up too" 

I dried my eyes, I knew he needed my support and I made sure that he knew he had me. He started telling how amazing his life was, how his father, sage and him had fun, how they were inseparable, but everything came crashing one day when they kidnapped his father and him, they started threatening his father but he wouldn't tell anything to their kidnappers, he was tourchered for months with his father, how they killed his father in front of him, how my dad came and saved him after searching everywhere, how he became so cold towards everyone. He started telling me about his playboy days, where he used people for sex, when he used to come back home drunk and had enough shit to worry about, when he didn't care about his mother enough. 

"Xavier what age were you when your father died?" I knew it was wrong for me to ask but I needed to know cause he can't be blaming himself for his father's death. He looked at me and he told that he was 13 years old, and he took over the mafia at 16 years. I sighed at him and made him look at me, "so Bella was born when you came back right, you knew you had to fight for them, you wanted a little sister from the day you knew that your mom was pregnant you fought for them how much ever you think that you are to blame for your father death I don't think that you had any choice, you were an innocent child over all the things, but I am pretty sure you got back your senses because I don't see you like the things you used to be, you started living your life for your mom and sister, you were brave for them. whatever things you used to do was in your past, I can see how proud your mom is each time I see her, she loves you but Xav you should learn to live for yourself not others around you, it is okay to have fun and it is absolutely okay to let others see your emotions."  

He had tears in his eye, I let him cry for sometime, he had to show his emotions, if it had to be with me I'll happily accept it. I felt in calm down, it pained me to look at someone who was strong for others was breaking down inside. I made him look at me and smiled, kissed his forehead and told him that everything is going to alright. He smiled and believed me. 

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