Chapter 15

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I woke up around 5 in the morning because, I had to finish my morning routine. Jogging, I didn't feel like going to the gym today so I decided to go for jogging. I went to the rest room and came out with jogging clothes.

I walked out of the room only to see, Antino, Elena, Enzo, Alessandro, Blake, Ace and Alexa coming out with gym clothes

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I walked out of the room only to see, Antino, Elena, Enzo, Alessandro, Blake, Ace and Alexa coming out with gym clothes. I told them good morning and told that I was going to go on jogging to which all of them agreed to come with me.

I took off with a fast jogging while all the others were warming up. I didn't want to warm up cause this was my warm up. Soon Elena joined me and I asked her,"so you like my brother?" She looked like I was an alien what am I supposed to do I notice things. And she replied to me saying that "he is fun and nice to talk with and I like him very much but he is your brother and I can't feel like I should ignore that information." After she was done I looked at her shocked she was using me as an excuse. God what am I gonna do with her.

" here babe, I don't mind if you date my brother anyway there is already one relationship going on, Enzo and Nat. They were trying to hide from me but they couldn't. And as for you please tell me how you feel?" I could tell she was deciding what she should tell so I left her to herself and started picking up my pace.

Elena caught up with me and started talking, "I do like your brother, but what if he doesn't like me..." I looked at her like she was an idiot which she was.  When be more difficult than that, but I really like you too I am taking on a date this weekend don't be late babe" he told that and slowed down his pace. "See I told you" and Elena slowed down her pace and started jogging with Tino.

I think everyone was done with the jog and we started going inside the house to get school so much, lets see what happens today. I went inside my room and started picking out some clothes for the day and started taking a shower. After like 20 mins I was done and blow dried my hair and didn't apply any makeup.

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My hair was wet, I left it free after slightly blow drying my hair

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My hair was wet, I left it free after slightly blow drying my hair. Wow I really look hot. After I was satisfied with my look, I went down to eat breakfast. I sat down next to Tino and was waiting, while all the boys came and kissed my forehead telling a good morning. I was glad that no one commented on my outfit. Mattio came and said, "nope you are not going to school like that" he said pointing me. Ops I spoke to soon. "Wow chill bro, I am not gonna change and I look hot for my first day" he couldn't argue with me so he let it slide.

Yummy pancakes, I put nutella on my pancakes with whipped cream on top and started eating. "I see you still eat your pancakes like that, it used to be your favorite when Alessandro did it like that for you and you would only want that" my dad said suddenly and I saw he came in to the room. I nodded my head vigorously and they all chuckled at my action. My friends went to the gang house to change and they told me that they will meet me in school.

After breakfast I kissed my brothers and dad goodbye and got into my car and speed up to the school, I took the long way so my brothers could see my epic entrance, just wanted to see their reaction. All of them turned to me when I came in the school and girls taught I was a boy and started lowering their dresses, ugh god I am going to puke. I parked my car next to my brothers and saw my friends standing next to them with someone else on their side, couldn't see him properly.

Everyone was gawking my car while, I decided to show up

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Everyone was gawking my car while, I decided to show up. I casually walked towards my brothers while Tino pulled me towards him and hugged me. Wow affection in public uh. There were other boys standing there so I was waiting for introduction. All of them were staring at me like I am some kind of shooting star and when I cleared my throat and said "I am Isabella Moretti, these idiots sister. Oh wait, I guess I left my gun in the car just a quick second" I heard some person saying "wait dude your sister" and another person saying "yoo did she just say a gun?" And another one saying "does she know?" I found my gun and put in the the backpack, but I had protection on me, knife, daggers and a small gun. I just wanted to shock them that's all.

I quickly returned to the group and their were 5 new boys standing there who I didn't know. Looking at my confusion Antino cleared it for me, "Bella they are our friends, let me introduce you" he says.

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