Chapter 11

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Alexander pov:

After she told how she was abused I was very angry and I really wanted to be their for her. I was filled with guilt inside. I should have fought for her, I shouldn't have let her mother go with her. I should have searched for her more. Seeing how peacefully she was sleeping in Antino's arms made my heart swell. I have never seen anyone in my family this happy before she came into our life. 9 years we had hell, they were used to my anger more than ever and I had to apologize to my boys for that.

I started remembering the other night when I was in her room. I wanted to be next to her and hug her. When I entered she was sleeping peacefully, but I saw her stir awake and asked her why she was up, she lied to me telling she was a light sleeper. She never used to be a light sleeper. I let it slide and she broke the wall which was built in me for like years. She broke my wall with a few words all she asked was what happened papà. I kind of felt happy that now after a long time she was under my protection. I will protect her and my family even if I have to risk myself.

Lorenzo pov:

After she told what happened to her, I was trying to suppress my anger. I had to be with her, I can't just let her go. At that moment when she told that she was abused by our mother, I was quite shocked. I knew she didn't like Isa from the start because she saw all our love being moved from her to Isa, she was jealous. I think because of that only she took Isa from us and gave her hell. But I didn't think she would stoop so low, however she was feeling she is still her daughter how can she be like this?

I saw her console Antino, I have never seen him show so much emotion to us. I guess Isa coming to home again made everyone want to show emotions again. I still cant believe that she is Shadow but I guess I have to get over it now.

I started remembering the conversation which I was having with Nat when she came to our home. I really like her and even she likes me. But we have no clue how to confess to each other. While I was telling her how happy I was that my little sister was back and all things I want to show her. I saw happiness in Nat's eyes I guess even she missed her every much. But she broke of my excitement and told, "Enzo, she has been through a lot. She is more strong than you think and she can handle that you people are in the mafia. She might take a little time to open up to you people and trust you people with her whole heart but I can see she likes you guys. Don't let her break again Enzo" she had tears in her eyes when she was done. I wanted to ask her what happened but before I asked her she told it was not her place to tell me anything, I should wait for my sister to tell what she has been through. Now I see why she was telling me all that after dinner.

Alessandro Pov:

I know how to control my emotions often, but today I didn't know how to control it. Seeing my little sis break in front of me made me even more mad. I wanted to kill every single person who made my sister feel like this. I know I don't like violence, but I didn't know how else to get my anger out at this moment.

I saw her change the mood of the room 2 times but it didn't help either of us and she knew that. She has grown into such a beautiful girl. I can't see her in pain, I want to make it go away. I was happy that she trusted us enough to tell us what she has been through. But I never want to see anyone hurt my sister anymore. I love her so much and will protect her with my life.

Antino Pov:

After Bella finished what she has been through all her life, I really felt guilty that I was rude to her when she came back home and for all those shit I said about her. I was feeling angry on that guy and also on myself, so I decided it was better to much something and that happened to be the TV stand.

After Isabella cleaned my wound I broke down, she calmed me down, I don't know how she did that but she did calm me down and told that nothing happened because of me. I relaxed and hugged her. I can't believe she has been through so much. She is my baby sister I am supposed to protect her, but I couldn't. I promised myself that I will never let anything happen to Isabella next time. I won't let anyone hurt her.

I smiled at her, she looked cute, and she smuggled more into me and I chuckled at her. I love my sis and I have missed her so much. She used to be my partner in crime we used to prank everyone in the house even dad. It was kind of funny how papà face relaxes when he is with her. I have never seen everyone so happy.

Mattio Pov:

At first I was kind of excited to hear that she was Shadow. The best assassin in the world. I also felt proud of my little sis. But I didn't except that her journey will be so cruel. I will always protect her. I was feeling angry and wanted to torcher some prisoners in the jail but held myself back because I knew she needed every single of us next to her. I love her and I will do anything for her.

Mattia Pov:

I was excited to hear her story, you know how enthusiastic I am because my sister is badass. But all my excitement died thinking of how much she has been through when we were enjoying our lives. Hopefully she forgives us. I really want to tag along with her and do many things like singing with her. She has an amazing voice. I love her and I will do anything absolutely anything to protect my sister.

Author pov:

Everyone were lost in their taught and everyone slept next to Isabella. Everyone were angry, guilty and sad that Isabella had to go through all those things alone without any support. Tomorrow is Sunday so they were thinking that they could surprise Isabella to paint ball, probably she will feel better cause they had opened the closed memories for her.

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