Chapter 26

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I saw he was nervous has he asked the question, and I was kind of shocked that he actually asked me, it was kind surprising cause he can choose any girl and he is choosing me? I thought I could play with him for sometime and rejected him.

I stared at him with my emotionless face and he started blabbering, "it's fine if you don't want to come I just asked you this because I really like you and I want a chance with you...." I started laughing at him and he knew I was joking around. I knew he wanted revenge so before he could do anything I tried to start running, tried before that he grabbed my waist and started tickling me, he was hovering over me, and his warm breath was over my neck and my heart beat increased.

"Now tell me, do you want to go on a date with me?" I couldn't think anything because of the closeness I had with him and I replied with yes. His eyes lit up and his grace moved to my lips and even my eyes moved to his lips, and he leaned in pressed his lips on mine, it was a soft kiss, very passionate one and extremely slow, his lips were so soft and nice and I wanted the kiss to never end, he asked for permission to enter and I granted him, he explored my mouth and we had to break free because we were running low of oxygen.

"Wow" I said trying to catch my breath and he said, "definitely wow". He pecked my lips once more and moved away and went down leaving me to think about him. I think I am falling for him and I don't want to lose him.

After 5 mins I went down only to look at my brothers and Xavier playing games in the arcade, I went and saw they were fighting on who should go first and I started laughing at them because of their childish behavior. They glared at me and started coming towards me and I started running around. Six vs one, totally unfair so I did the most sane thing and ran up to papà's office and he was shocked at my heavy breathing and took out his gun out, and he pointed at the people who were coming behind me without thinking, all of their faces paled and I started laughing at them.

"Dad, you can't shoot us" Mattia shouted, and dad was replied with "if anyone of you hurt my princess I will not think twice to shoot you down family or not" he had a glint of playfulness in his voice but I think he was meaning that very much. I saw all of them shiver by his tone and I heard Tino mumble, "dad's little princess" and I laughed at him and told, "love you too brother" and dad threw us out of the office so he could do some more work cause he was doing some of Enzo's work cause he wanted to spend time with me.

"Twins did you have a nice time today?" I asked the twins and they came and immediately hugged me telling that they had the best time and they were happy that I was with them during their birthday. I had tears in my eyes, ugh god they are making me emotional, I hate showing emotions to anyone, it is like they will know that we are weak and they will take advantage of us but who cares.

After sometime of chatting everyone went to their bedrooms to sleep cause it was already 1:30 in the morning and we had school tomorrow, I don't think dad will let us skip another day because we already skipped today telling that we had to get clothes and get ready and he knew it was an excuse but he let us be. Once my head hit the pillow I was out like a baby.

Next morning, the alarm woke me up, at 5:30 in the morning, I had to work out or else I won't be in shape. So went to the restroom did my work and started getting ready for gym.

 So went to the restroom did my work and started getting ready for gym

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