Chapter 14

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As soon as the taught came into my head there was pasta, pizza and all sorts of food on the table. Dad started speaking to Blake. "You don't look old enough to handle a gang are you really the boss of Spades?" Right to the point I see old man i mumbled and I saw Blake and Lex controlling their laughter. Blake coughed and cleared his throat and spoke, "umm I am not the boss of the Spades, I am the second in command, the boss had to go somewhere, umm she had family issues to take care of. My dad nodded in understanding. Enzo started speaking again, "what is your bosses name, I would really like to know" he says looking directly at me. Damn I taught this will play for a while.

"Enzo, I think that is not necessary right now, we will just discuss why they have come here and if they want they can tell their boss's name" I heard Tino say with a smirk. Damn I really can't lie to these both can I? Tino looked at Elena and smirked and Elena was blushing, damn I have never seen her blush. I ship it. I think everyone noticed what I was looking at and cleared their throats. Those love bird still were staring at each other damn. Me, Lex, Blake, Nat, and Ace started to chuckle making them realise where we were.

Dad had a smile on his face and started talking again. "So we wanted recruits and your gang is the world's number one gang, what do you think on helping us with some shipments and we could help you with something like protection", dad said. Blake was thinking and he looked at me, I just motioned him to listen to him. Dad continued, "you could ask your boss, if the mafia and your gang are comfortable enough we could merge them, your boss will have to deal with the gang part and we won't interfere and you should not interfere in our businesses. We may also do some missions together. Ace is here because, I heard he was a good friend of your gang probably he could give some advice" dad said.

Everyone looked at Ace and he just smirked looking at me. Wow he wanted the gang to be merged amazing. Okay let's see what Mr Blake says. Blake started talking, "I like the idea very much, and as for Ace he is like a brother to us and we will listen whatever he tells us but I guess we should ask what the boss thinks". Dad nodded his head and Blake started once again, he turned to me, "umm heyy, do you want to go on a date sometime?" Wow he really had a death wish. Dad was fuming and I was about to breakdown and start laughing because of all the expressions of my brothers.

I couldn't hold it more and broke down laughing. "Umm Blake you do wish for a death wish don't you?" Blake replied "I know that you will save me wherever I am even from your dad" he said pointing to my dad who looked confused. I just chuckled along with Lex, Elena, Nat and Ace. All my brothers and dad looked confused like they were on some other planet and were looking at aliens.

I ignored their expressions and stood up, while Blake also stood up guessing what I am about to do. Without doing anything I pulled him into a big hug. I heard Lex shout, group hug and all of them stood up leaving my brothers in shock. Ace and Nat also joined in with us. I really loved these people. Damn I didn't think I missed them so much. I think we stood like that for about 5 mins until dad coughed and was about to ask what happened before that Lex interfered and asked me, "Isa, god I missed you so damn much, you know only you can handle Blake and he was doing shit all along, he told that he doesn't like going to missions because you were not with us." When I was about to speak Blake and Lex started arguing. Ace pulled me to a side hug and told, "wow I see nothing has changed since I left" Elena told "nope, my we did miss you Ace and Nat". Elena hugged me once more and also Ace and Nat.

I could see dad getting frustrated so i screamed, "BLAKE OLIVER SMITH AND ALEXA RAE RIVERA STOP ARGUING AND SHUT THE HELL UP BECAUSE IF YOU DONT I AM GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU PEOPLE NOT EVEN CONSIDERING THAT YOUR ARE MY BEST FRIENDS" that made them stiff and stopped their fight. Ace chuckled, "same old same old". I chuckled with him. Blake began, "you wound me Isa you wound me, I taught we were supposed to be marrying each other".

With that my dad said, "okay first of all how do you know these people and second of all you young boy will not be marrying Isa and will not even touch her and be next to her if I see you next to her I will personally beat you up" he told with anger laced in his voice. I glared at Blake and he raised his hand and surrendered telling I was just playing. I walked from Ace to my dad and told him "Hey, It's nice to meet you, I am the leader of Spades and I would love to accept your offer. And these idiots over here are my best friends and we were just playing a prank all though I didn't know how Enzo and Antino found out about it",  I say amused.

All my friends introduced themselves to my dad and brothers and I started explaining him how we formed a gang, we formed this gang to protect everyone from sex trafficking and being abused. After Ace and the others found me beaten up on the road they took me in and started teaching me things to protect myself. But after that the Russians kidnapped me and taught me how to become an assassin even though they torchered me by raping me and shit, a small tear dropped my eyes and Antino came and quickly rubbed my eyes. After they trained me to be their secret weapon, I left that place killing more than half of the people there and called these people and told my plan to create the gang. Because we did'nt have enough money I continued doing my assassin work and all of them helped me pass the stage I was in. I helped organize the gang with Elena and Ace had to leave in between because he had to take over the Spanish mafia. And here we are. After I was done my dad just nodded his head and hugged me close.

I think he was guilty he couldn't be there for me. But I just smiled and rested my head in his chest and stayed there for a while, but I heard a click of camera and opened my eyes and left my dad to see Elena capturing the moment. "Hey! Lena send it to me." She just chuckled and nodded her head. All night we were talking about how we met and all the stuff and I didn't miss Antino and Elena flirting and talking while Elena was blushing like hell.

Dad came to the living room and told, "kids you have school tomorrow better go get some sleep. Antino if you miss one class tomorrow then you will be dead meat" he told and left. "You still go to school Tino?" I asked. Enzo spoke for him, "ya last year he and his friends missed because of some gang work so the twins and you and Antino will be this the same grade. Senior year." "Ohh the same thing for Elena" I said.

After that everyone left, all of them slept at our house because it was around 1 30 in the morning when we slept and dad didn't allow anyone to leave he told it's dangerous so they stayed back. I went to my room and slept like a baby.

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