Chapter 6

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"Stop, please don't hurt me, please I will do whatever you want just don't hurt me" . Dominic laughed looking at my small self. My mother didn't care what was happening to me.

He took advantage of that and took a stick that was in the corner of the room and started hitting for like 30 minutes and he felt satisfied and left.

"Ughhh! You are such a disappointment to me, I should have killed you the moment I saw you" my mother yelled at me.

I shot up awake and saw what the time was in the clock next to me, it was only 3:30 I can't go back to sleep after this dream. I have not dreamt this dream in a long time.

This was the first time Dominic and my mother hurt me. I was 6 at that time and they beat up a little girl because they didn't have enough entertainment in their life.

I woke up from my bed and went to the restroom to get cleaned, I decided to go to gym that is there in the house. After half an hour of calming my mind in the bathroom, I decided it was time to release my anger, I changed to my workout clothes and went down to the gym.

I reached the gym and took the punching bag out and started taking my anger on the bag, I was finally satisfied over across the room and it was broken

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I reached the gym and took the punching bag out and started taking my anger on the bag, I was finally satisfied over across the room and it was broken. I didn't notice anyone enter until they took my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

I saw it was Alessandro, he took the first aid from the cabinet in the kitchen and started cleaning my hand without telling anything and kissed my head. And told that it will be alright after a few days.

"God, you and Antino are so similar even he forgets to wear gloves when he wants to hit the punching bag" Alessandro said. "I guess we like to feel the pain cause it satisfies us". I replied him. He just nodded and stared cooking breakfast.

I was on my phone texting Alexa and it went like this.
Isabella: did u find any information about my family.
Alexa: ya it took a long time to hack but I definitely found something
Isabella: care to tell?
Alexa: what got you in such a bad mood in the morning
Alexa: anyway I found out they are the Italian Mafia and because of that only it took me some time to hack into their account.
Isabella: wow! Didn't except that, so that means I am the lost princess they were searching for?
Alexa: yes dumb dumb
Isabella: umm when are u guys reaching here?
Alexa: will be there by tonight
Isabella: okay take care

I saw that everyone was present in the table except dad. I think that's why they didn't say anything about me using the phone.

The twins came and kissed me on the head, even Lorenzo hugged me and ruffled my hair. In return I pouted and they all laughed. Antino and I just locked our eyes and did nothing.

The twins looked excited because they saw tattoos on my body and they really loved it and started yelling for dad. Who came and kissed my head and sat down. And the twins started yelling that even they wanted a tattoo to which my dad looked at me and I smiled sheepishly. To which he just laughed and left it slide.

I smelt chocolate pancakes and I suddenly became happy. And they laughed at my reactions sudden change but I didn't mind them and focused fully on the pancakes.

They started talking in Italian thinking I couldn't understand anything but I understood everything. Their conversation went like this.

Alexander: dovremmo stare più attenti perché Isabella è qui.
(we should be more careful because Isabella's is here.)
Lorenzo: si papà ho già aumentato la sicurezza in casa.
(yes dad I have already increased the security around the house.)
Alessandro: pensi davvero che non conosca l'italiano?
(do you really think that she doesn't know Italian?)
Mattio and Mattia: si
Antino: davvero non mi fido di lei e se fosse una puttana come la madre.
(I really don't trust her what if she is a whore like mother)
Okay I got angry at this but I controlled my emotions.
Alexander: lingua per favore, lei è la tua sorellina
(language please, she is your little sister)
Lorenzo: dovremmo parlarle della mafia?
(should we tell her about the mafia?)
Alexander: no, potrebbe spaventarsi e scappare. glielo diremo quando ci guadagneremo la sua fiducia. ora per favore parla con lei, vedo che si sta annoiando.
(no, she might get scared and run away. we will tell her when we earn her trust. now please talk with her I can see that she is getting bored.)
Wow someone who undertsands.

"Can you please talk something that I can understand please. I am about to dose off", I said to them. They chuckled and started asking questions.

Lorenzo: do you work out often, wow I can see you have abs. I didn't expect it little sis.
Isabella: what did you except me fantasizing about boys and shit???
Alessandro: kind of I guess
Isabella: you wound me brother.
Everyone started laughing
Antino: do you know how to fight?
Isabella: yes, Tino I can fight pretty well.
Antino: nice sis, really want to see you fight.
He said with a hint of smile.
Mattio: not fair, how come only he gets a nickname.
Mattia: Yaa even we want one.
I chuckled at them
Isabella: umm okay. Let me think. Enzo or Lor for Lorenzo. Andro for Alessandro. Tino for Antino. Tio for Mattio. And Mat for Mattia, it can also be Tia but it sounds like a girls name but I would love to call you Tia.
Mattia: god Isa I really hate you now
I just laughed and let it slide.

"Okay bye idiots and papà gonna go freshen up. Call me if you want and ohh ya shopping. Yayy!!" I said. "Will do princess" my dad replied back.

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