Chapter 4

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I left the school and started walking to the place where my car was there, noticing a few guards here and there surrounding the school. Couldn't have noticed if I wasn't an assassin. My so called biological father stopped me and I pointed to my car so he left me go.

I heard Lorenzo mumble "great another Antino to handle, how can they be so alike god". I saw the biological nod agreeing to the thing he just said. I just shrugged and moved of to the place where my car was there and speed up to my mom's house.

I got out of the car and asked my biologicals to stay in front and not to come in. I had a few clothes here too but I didn't care much. I just packed little clothes and weapons in between the clothes so they don't doubt anything. And changed myself into something more comfortable and travel like.

Carrying my bag I went downstairs only to look at the biologicals roaming through the stuff in the house

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Carrying my bag I went downstairs only to look at the biologicals roaming through the stuff in the house. I turned and asked my sperm donner " umm what will happen to my car?" He replied " I will have it shipped over to Italy but it might take a few days." To which i nodded agreeing.

We left the hell hole thank god, I don't have to come to this shitty place again. I sat in the car and the driver was driving towards the airport. While the car had an awkward silence which was killing everyone present here.

Lorenzo cleared his throat and asked "so Isa what do you like doing in your free time?" I cringed at the nickname and replied back "don't call me Isa, and what I do in my free time is none of your business." My tone was more rude than I intended it to be.

"Isabella watch your tone, speak with respect, he is your elder brother." The sperm donner yelled angrily. Ugh god here we go again. "So after literally like 12 years you come into my life out of nowhere and ask to show respect. How am I supposed to show you respect if you just threw me away cause you didn't like me?" I replied angrily.

"Isa... I mean Isabella we didn't throw you out you were taken away from us by your mother on one fine day, we searched for you everywhere but we couldn't find you. You were the best thing that had happened to us tesoro." Lorenzo replied and his eyes showed sadness and anger.

Wow okay I didn't know I was kidnaped "This explains a lot, oh god". "What explains a lot? what happened?" My father asked. "Calm your balls old man nothing happened", I replied him. "Umm if you don't mind me asking how many brothers do I have the memories are kind of blurry".

Dad laughed at that and replied back, "I didn't expect you to remember Tesoro so don't worry. You have 5 older brothers. The eldest being Lorenzo, then Alessandro, the Antino and then the twins Mattio and Mattia." I just replied with a small okay. And started watching out of the window again.

We reached the airport and a private jet was waiting for us. God what do these people do I really have to find out or else I am going to be in trouble. They were waiting for my reaction but I didn't give them any so we started going inside the plane.

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It looked marvelous from the inside

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It looked marvelous from the inside. Very elegant to black and white. Nice. I settled down on a seat and dad came and sat next to me and Lorenzo gave us some space and sat far away from us and took out his laptop and started doing work.

I was getting very nervous, will my brothers like me? What are they like? And many more. Dad started talking "Calm down figlia they will definitely like you. You are more than what we expected to be. And your brothers might be cold to you at the beginning because they separated themselves from the family when you were taken away. As you see Lorenzo started working more and more. Alessandro started taking care of your brothers like a mother would do but doesn't let anyone know what he is feeling. And Antino started to get cold and started getting into fights. And the twins joke around because they don't want to feel any other emotions around. And well for me I started working more and concentrated less on the family and didn't know what to do. You see we are a broken family and you are the medicine which we were searching."

After he told everything it felt like someone was there in this world who loves me. I felt kind of relieved. I didn't know I was crying until papà wiped the tears of my face. "Sleep for some time principessa", he told and lifted me and placed me on his lap.
(Priblncipessa: princess)

I felt safe and dozed of on his lap. I have never felt like this with anyone. I felt protected and nice. I snuggled closer to him and drifted of to a dreamless sleep.

I being woken up by someone and I mumbled "1 more minute" and cuddled closer to something that was warm. And I heard a chuckle, wait pillows don't chuckle and I shot up. And I remembered what happened in the past few hours. "Princess we have reached it will take an hour to reach our house you can sleep in the car" dad told me.

I nodded my head and got of him and went and sat in the car looking at the scenery passing by. It was quite peaceful. Lorenzo was sleeping and dad was doing some work in his laptop.

After 1 hour in the car we reached the place where I will be staying from here after. Wow it looks more like a mansion and less like a home. And what is with the security, god I really have to hack and check about these people as soon as I can.

I slowly got down of the car searching for an escape if one was necessary

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I slowly got down of the car searching for an escape if one was necessary. It looked quite cool, to be honest. But I kept my blank expression so they wouldn't know what I was thinking.

Dad motioned me to follow and I followed behind him. The guards carrying my luggage. We entered the house and dad yelled boys look who it is. And here they are 4 more of my brothers, looking at me and expecting me to react for something.

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