Chapter 2

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Dragging myself to the principles office is the worst part of all. Like i was literally sleeping peacefully and you wake me up and tell me to go to the principles office. Ughhh!!! I hate it.

I got texts in the group chat. And it went like this.
Blake: god bella what did you do now
Alexa: not again
Elena: if you are getting suspended and not coming even I am not coming to this shitty place.
Blake: ya me too
Alexa: mee three
Isabella: god people just relax the fuck down. I have no clue why he called me and I didnt do anything this week and its just monday.
Blake: okay fineee
Isabella: and if I get suspended I am making sure that each and everyone get to school on time.
Elena: god such a party pooper
Alexa: I know right
Blake: why is she like the mom of the group she is the youngest for god sake
Isabella: cause I am not an idiot like you people. I better get going. Will text you if something happens
Blake: okay
Alexa: kk
Elena: you better text back!!!!

I have no clue how I am handling these idiots. Within no time I reached the principles office and barged through the door. I am pretty shocked how this door still in one place cause I barge in so many times in 1 day.

"Hello Fred! How are you? Hope you are nice. Ya I know I am in trouble, cause I hit that bitch Charlotte. Ohh no I also made Miss Erica stick to her chair pouring glue on it. I think that's all so I guess I am suspended or I have detention. Anyway byeee!!! See you later Fred."

"Umm no thats not why I called you and you are supposed to stop pranking the teachers. And stop calling me Fred its Mr Hendrickson for you." Fred told.

"If you didnt call me for that I guess I am here simply soo byeee". I said back.
"Miss Cooper why dont you take a seat, umm I have to tell you something". I settled down in his comfy chair wow its nice. Why did he seem afraid to tell me something and in the corner of my eye I saw 2 men sitting in the end of the office. I didnt care and looked back at Fred.

"Can you just spit it out" I said to him. He was kinda scared and he told " Umm so Miss Cooper it is unfortunate to inform you that your mom and step father died because of overdose." "Okay so what are you gonna do to me are you gonna send me to an orphanage cause I dont want to go" I asked him with an emotionless face.

He seemed quite shock of my state and he replied" Umm no, you are going to your biological family, the social workers found out about them and they agreed to get guardianship of yours. So you just have to pack your bags and move to Italy".

"Okay then where can I meet them" I asked him, and he pointed to the 2 people sitting in the corner of the office. I stood up and saw them. They came forward and the old man came forward and introduced himself "hello figila I am your father my name is Alexander".
The other person came front amd bent down a bit to reach my height. It felt like i am an ant and they are elephants they look gigantic compared to me. "Hello sorella I am your eldest brother Lorenzo".

(Figila: daughter, sorella: sister)

"Okay I am Isabella Cooper, umm when are we supposed to leave" I asked them. For some reason they looked shocked for one minute but they changed their expression to the cold one back again. Sperm donner replied in 2 hours, and he also told that my surname is not Cooper its Moretti.

Okay first of all I dont consider them my family and next he thinks that he can boss me around. Not fair. Anyway I couldnt tell much I just replied with a small okay. They asked me if I wanted to tell goodbye to my friends I nodded and it was the prefect time. It was break.

In the group chat
Isabella: umm guys I think I am being shifted to Italy. Those bitches died of overdose and my biological dad wants to take guardianship.
Blake: wow when should we move?
Alexa: will they treat you properly?
Elena: when are you moving?
Isabella: yup you should move everyone to Italy. I guess so or else I will just run away. Umm I am moving in like 2 hours
Alexa: wow okay.
Isabella: Alexa can you just hack and see what they do cause they look extremely rich and they are talking italian. Their surname is Moretti thats all I know for now.
Alexa: yupp on it.
Blake: be careful bella i ll miss you
Isabella: always am miss you guys too. And if you dont bring my gang in one peice I am gonna kill you slowly.
Elena: thats the girl I know
Blake: yes ma'am the gang will be in one piece over and out.
Isabella: bye text you later
Alexa: better do, i cant hack them from my phone have to get to my laptop I will do it once i reach the gang house.
Isabella: okayy
Elena: be careful grl. Byee. Safe journey.

I reached the corridor and everyone became quite. " Well well well who do we have here, let me tell you the worst school ever and the most fucked up students who always bully every single person. I have no clue when the fuck you will change but you better do or else I will be your worst night mare. Do you understand? And anyway I don't care cause I am getting the hell out of this shitty place. Goodbye bitches! And have the worst life you ever can in this fucked up place".

In the corner of my eyes I saw Lorenzo taking a vedio but i left it and walked out of this shitty place. Finally.

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