Chapter 32

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Xavier's POV 

I felt happy that I was with her, she made me feel things that I didn't know I could feel. I hugged her for a long time, I felt that if I left her this would all be a dream. She has been through a lot and I want to be with her has her support for everything. I wanted to lighten the mood so I started tickling her she laughed and I smiled. 

"I am gonna get killed today, I made you cry and probably this is your worst date you've ever been on because come on all you did was" I whined dramatically. She looked at me with wide eyes and blinked once more to see if she was with me and she laughed, "please don't whine and I am pretty sure no one is going to kill you" she said laughing. 

I dragged her to the table, which had food and dessert on it, I smiled as her whole face brightened at the sight of food, I chuckled at her reaction and she elbowed me and told shut up. "Bella, don't hit me it's gonna bruise" I told her. She just poked her tongue out at me, I laughed at her childishness, "real mature bella real mature". She laughed out aloud, this was a sight to see.

I grabbed two plates and took out the food from the container and served Bella, it was lasagna, as soon as i put some on her plate she started eating, I smiled at her. We started talking about the Mafia, she started giving out ideas in which I could improve my security, she told that she will build a firewall and give me which might not be hacked but she said its for everyone's safety. It doesn't look like we are teenagers, all of us have grown up in a fast pace not able to enjoy our life. 

She moaned as soon as she started eating the brownies, "Bella, careful you might to be ready, don't start something you cannot finish" she was turning me on with her sweet moans and she knew it, she knew how to tempt people I'll give her that. She blushed and she said, "I can't hold back the food is so amazing I really want to know where you got it from". I smiled at her, "Glad you liked it love, but I am pretty sure you won't get it anywhere you go to cause I made it". 

"Wow! you can cook damn, this is the best I have ever had, can you please cook for me whenever you come home?" she asked me giving her puppy dog eyes and she pouted. "god, bella I'll cook for please don't make this face again, you look so adorable" I said kissing her pout. She smiled in the kiss and kissed me back passionately. I moved her to my lap and kissed her again, god I can get enough of this girl. We wear breathing heavily after the kiss, I pecked her lips again and again until she laughed out. 

"Come on" I dragged her in the sand, she looked like I have grown two heads when I dragged her. I removed her jacket and threw it on the blanket and did the same thing with mine, she looked confused as hell and I liked it, I kissed her again and she kissed me back and I smiled at that. I held her close to me, we started swaying on the sand, we started dancing with each other, this is really the best, I started going to dance because there needed to be an extra activity in school, didn't know it will reach me here. Both of are happy with each other, and I did the only reasonable thing I could do, "Bella?" I called out for her, she hummed taking that as a yes I continued.

"Bella, I know it has not been a long time since we have met each other, or completely understood each other, but I want this to work out, being with you has made me the happiest person alive it has made me soft, I didn't know i had it in me to be soft with another person who is not family, you make me feel myself again, I know this is too soon but I don't want you away from me so will you please be my girlfriend?" I asked her, wow I didn't know I can speak this much. I waited for her reply, I have to admit that I was a bit nervous, "hmm.... let me think.... yes you idiotic person I would love to be your girlfriend." "goddd, Ela you are gonna be the death of me."

"Aww is my baby already tired of me?" she asked with her baby voice and she pouted. I kissed her pout and told, "never Ela never", she laughed. We got to know each other more, like how I love doing pranks to everyone and she started telling me all the pranks she has done till date, and I am pretty sure convinced that I don't want to be at the receiving end of all those things, she scares me sometimes. I got to know that she has already graduated school, she comes to school to keep all her friends in check and have a bit of fun in her life, she has a degree in business, and a degree in architecture and many more, she also told me that no one knows about her graduating, when I asked her why she didn't tell anyone she was like someday I would like to tell them but not right now they may get heart attacks on how much shocks she has been dropping them with from when she got here. I just smiled at her concern. 

We cuddled for sometime and we decided to call it a day, pretty sure my mom and Brook are at the Moretti's house so I was happy that I could spend more time with my girlfriend. I opened the car door when we reached her house she got down smiling and kissed me, I instantly kissed her back and she dragged me inside. 

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