Chapter 3

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Lorenzo's point of view

I was doing some mafia work when papa messaged the family group chat. Yes you guessed it right we are the most powerful mafia, the Italian Mafia. We have been the powerful mafia for more than 18 years that is why people tend to attack more. As the next in command I have to keep everyone safe.

The family group chat
Papà: hello everyone I have a good news please meet me in the living room in half an hour.
After half an hour
Papà: dove diavolo siete gente arrivate qui in questo istante.
(Where are you people get here this instant)
Wow dad is quite scary when people don't follow his command.

Everyone were present after dads outbreak of anger. While he was trying remain calm. Me and my brothers were waiting for him to tell why he called us here.

He started speaking again. "Lorenzo you will be coming with me to New York so we can pick up your sister, others please be at home we will reach here in like tomorrow morning or something like that. I would personally like you people to get to know your sister properly." And he was about to leave the room while I stopped him.

"Okay you can't leave a bomb like that and walk away can you please explain what is going on?" "Ya exactly what I was gonna say", Antino added. Wow everyone was shocked that he was actually into a topic. What can we tell he was quite closed of when Isa was kidnaped by our own good damn mother.

Dad started explaining that he got a call from the social service this morning telling that Isabella's parents died in an overdose and asked him if he would like the guardianship of Isabella and he agreed instantly but we have to go to New York to get her.

The twins were quite excited to get their sister back. Antino was also excited I could see the spark in his eyes when papà told him about bringing Isabella back. They used to be so close together when they were young. And Alessandro was gleaming with happiness we could see it in his face. And dad was also quite happy, 12 years of search was now brought back to a stop. And I was pretty excited to meet my little bundle of happiness she used to bring a smile to all of our faces when she was little hopefully she is the same cute little girl we used to know.

I passed some of my unfinished works to Alessandro so he can continue. It cant be postponed cause it was mafia work and it was quite important. The full 8 hours in the flight I was only thinking how she is and how she will react to all this. Hope she likes us. I think even dad was thinking the same thing seeing how serious his face was.

The flight finally landed and we were headed towards the school where we were informed that Isabella was there. As we entered the principal called Isabella to his office and she entered with a bang. She truly is a Moretti.

I didn't properly hear the conversation she was having with the principle I was busy admiring how my baby sister grew up to be a beautiful women. God she was very fit and she also had an emotion less face. I really want to know what happened in her life.

The principal looked kind of shocked in how she reacted to the news of her parents death. I could see confusion clearly written on fathers face but he quickly masked it away and went to introduce himself.

"hello figila I am your father my name is Alexander". Dad said and moved back so I could introduce myself. U went forward and bent down to her height and told "Hello sorella I am your eldest brother Lorenzo".

We waited for her to introduce herself, she told "Okay I am Isabella Cooper, umm when are we supposed to leave?" After dads reply we asked her if she wanted to say good bye to her friends and she nodded her head. And started typing something in her phone which both my father and I ignored.

We were filling her transfer form while my dad was asking the principle about her. It seems like she loves to prank people and loves to get into fights. I was smirking while I could see how proud my father was of her in his eyes.

The principle thanked us and we left the office with Isabella following right behind us. The corridor became soo silent seeing us. Or I guess Isabella and she started speaking but I didn't forget to see a hint of mischief in here eyes.

Wow this is gonna be nice I took out my phone and started recording what she was telling.
" Well well well who do we have here, let me tell you the worst school ever and the most fucked up students who always bully every single person. I have no clue when the fuck you will change but you better do or else I will be your worst night mare. Do you understand? And anyway I don't care cause I am getting the hell out of this shitty place. Goodbye bitches! And have the worst life you ever can in this fucked up place".

I was literally speech less. My little sister is a complete badass and she doesn't fear anyone and we left the school. Todays gonna be great and I can just feel it.

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