Chapter 28

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Trigger warning ⚠️

"You bitch, how dare you do something like that? How dare you run away from me, your own mother? If you try that again I wont be as nice as I am being to you right now. Understood?" My mother says angrily, giving me a slap on my face.

"Would you like to enjoy your time with her dear?" My mom asks my step father he looked overly joyed when he heard my mother. He nodded his head and dragged me by my leg to the basement, removed my clothes and started touching me everywhere, he had a smirk and took his belt he was wearing and started hitting me. After that he removed his pants and inserted his dick into my pussy, ignoring my please he raped me and left me.

I was screaming and turning back and forth on my bed, I guess because of my screams people barged into my room and Enzo started waking me up. And Alessandro came near me calming me down and telling sweet nothings and dad was pretty concerned about me.

I calmed myself down and drank some water and all of them stood in their places waiting for an explanation of what happened in the dream, but when they look at me they understood that I was not ready to relive the nightmare one more time by explaining them that and soon everyone left the room kissing me goodnight except Xavier.

He looked concern and I gave him a small smile, to which he frowned and layed down in the bed next to me and I looked at him as if he was crazy or something, he didn't tell anything hut grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him and cuddled with him and I soon started to drift of to sleep because of the warmth and also because I knew I would be safe when Xavier was next to me. I calm down and relaxed my body and feel asleep.

The next morning was a bit awkward for everyone because we had to going back home and everyone had packing to do and all of them were worried about me no matter how much I said to not worry. All of us got into the plane and sat down, I just explained my family it was just a nightmare but it was just more scary than the other once that is why I woke up screaming. They understood and the time we came back was spent talking about our childhoods and enjoying ourselves.

(After sometime)

I was at home doing some work for the gang and mafia cause Enzo told me that someone was trying to hack into our system so I was building a firewall and failsafe. I was so involved in my work that I completely forgot to eat, I went down and saw everyone was laughing and having fun, I smiled at my family and sat down on my seat.

"Enzo, I finished building the firewall and the failsafe, if someone tries to hack our mafia, everyone in the room will get a message or something like that in their phones until they look at it" I said to everyone and they actually looked quite impressed.

We sat down and ate dinner it was lasagna, and it tasted delicious, I love food, if you haven't yet found out yet, I am basically a foodie and I will eat anything you give. We sat down and ate and we were laughing and playing around the house. We decided to go to the gym in the evening so we could practice somethings. Sandro told that he will call all of our friends so we could train together and he glared at me and told you are not going to hurt other or yourself too badly.

I just laughed at him and said, "we will see, if someone pisses me off they wont have their head" I told them seriously and they all glared at me till I said I was joking. I went to my room and started answering my emails, the gang had some problems and I was sorting it out until, I remembered that I have homework and I am pretty sure I won't be able to complete it tomorrow because of the date I have with Xavier, I am excited on what he is going to do and I am going to irritate him today so he can tell me where he is taking me.

I slept for sometime, till someone started knocking on my door and said I had to get ready for training. I was actually excited, so I went and took my clothes and started getting ready and put my hair into a high pony and removed my makeup from earlier and went down.

Entering the gym I saw everyone standing and lazing around doing nothing, I guess they are waiting for someone to lead them or tell them what to do, why can't they just start warm ups on their own

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Entering the gym I saw everyone standing and lazing around doing nothing, I guess they are waiting for someone to lead them or tell them what to do, why can't they just start warm ups on their own. I got irritated by them and said, "can you all not do warm up on your own, you had to wait for someone to instruct you to how to warm up?" I asked them my voice laced with irritation.

All of them knew better than to argue with me so they started doing warm up. I continued doing my warm up even though most of them finished and it didn't look like they did warm up. God what are these new recruiters good for. My brother, dad and Xavier entered. I nodded at them and they nodded back at me and all the recruiters looked confused.

"Damn everyone looks so hot here" one of the girls gusshed out loudly. "I know right, how will it be if we had them all to us?" They girl next to her continued the conversation. "Can you both shut the fuck up, do you know to fight or are you here to get some fresh dick?" I asked them with my voice cold as hell and glared at them. "Who do you think you are bitch? Do you think that you own the place or anything, I am pretty sure that you came here for their dick too" the first girl replied.

"God how desperate are you? You do know that this is a gang and they are going to check your skills and they are not here to bang you right?" I asked every single person in the room. Looks like only a few knew how these things usually works and all the others just huffed and did their thing.

I got irritated and stood next to my family. Xavier had gone back to check the weapons present in the room and the two girls from before were eye fucking him. Tino observed my reaction and smirked at me and told, "looks like someone is jealous, don't worry little sis I don't think that Xavier will notice them when you are in the room" I rolled my eyes at my brother and waited for Dad's conversation with Enzo to finish. Sandro was in the hospital and the twins were out I have no clue where.

Xavier joined us and stood beside me, "see I know that Sandro told that you people could train, but I guess we forgot we had to recruit people today. I hope you three can handle that, if you both have any question please ask Xavier" Enzo said. "We have a little bit of work to be completed, Xavier I will take care of your paper works so dont worry and you can come and cross check it once you are done here" Papà said.

He came next to me and kissed my forehead and said, "take care princess" and I mumbled a quick 'yes' and turned my attention to the people who were in front of me. God this is absolutely going to be a long day, it is kind of annoying when you have to watch people do something and they don't even know how to do it. We had to teach them the stance and look if they had skills that could be used and also could be developed.

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