Chapter 23

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Xavier's POV:

I really felt bad for hurting Bella, I don't know why I am feeling like this towards her it just I am not able to identify the feeling. I think I like her like more than friends, but I don't think she will accept me and I don't think she will like anyone as me because I used to be a playboy before I met her I used to sleep around and leave them after I had sex with them. Alexander was the one who made me realize that there is more to my life when I was depressed because of some things. He is like my second father. I miss my dad, he would have told me to shove it up my ass and tell Isabella how I feel.

My eyes softened as I see Bella and Brook playing and talking in hushed tone, I didn't like the space that Bella has between me and her so I did the only thing I taught of I pulled her close to me and hugged her from behind. I didn't miss the slight flinch and how her body stiffened but I let it slide has I am enjoying her presence in my arms.

I still cant believe that she is Shadow the most powerful assassin in the world. I tried reaching towards her with many resources but she never used to reply and hacking was never a choice cause we cant beat her hacking system. I was kind of shocked how she rejected the Mafia King I wanted that assassin dead at that point but now I see that she is Shadow I don't mind her.

Yes I am the Mafia King, I am told to be a ruthless and cold hearted monster who loves killing people for pleasure. And here I am having a girl who I like in my arms but I am not able to tell her that. Lost in my taughts I saw that her family were looking at us and smiling and saw Tino smirk at me. God what is that man up to. I am telling you he is very idiotic person. I don't know how I call him my best friend.

"Brook, do you like someone?" I heard Bella ask my 3 year old sister, is this women crazy or something. I saw Brook nod her head vigorously and smiling. Bella smiled and kissed her and whispered "who is it baby?" She replied "somone in th aycar he is sweet" she told dragging the sweet. (someone in the daycare he is sweet)

I tightened my grip on the hug and I think Bella felt it. She turned to look at me and I think she saw my face filled with irritation and she left Brook and she ran to Alexander (Bella's dad) they were laughing and playing. And Ella turned to me and ordered, "calm down Xav, it's just a small crush" if someone else ordered me they would have been dead but she calmed me down with just a touch. She does wonders. I saw that everyone were busy with their own thing and dragged Bella with me outside to the garden.

Isabella's POV:

He dragged me to the garden, "wow! Um I should really get to know what is there in my own house" I told to no one in particular and Xavier just chuckled at my reaction

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He dragged me to the garden, "wow! Um I should really get to know what is there in my own house" I told to no one in particular and Xavier just chuckled at my reaction. He made me sat down on the grass and dragged me down and even I sat down but I was in between his legs and he hugged me from behind.

"Xavier?" I asked he just hummed and asked me to continue. "Tell me something I don't know" I said. He pulled me to his chest because he saw I was shivering because of the cold and it still didn't help so he removed his hoodie which he was wearing and put it on me knowing that I will just not take the hoddie from him. The hoodie was comfortable and so nice, it smelled like him. "Princess, I want to tell you something, your brothers introduced me as the American Mafia leader, that is true but I am also the Mafia King" he told.

"Xavier do you think I am an idiot?" He nods his head for that to which I pout and he laughs and I still have my pout on me. "I am the best hacker of course I will know who the Mafia King is when he threatened me to show him my identity" I said still with a pout on my face. He turned me around so I could face him and he cupped my face. Sparks flew inside me and I was looking at his eyes, damn those eyes are to die for and my grace landed on his lips and I leaned in and he leaned in and pulled me closer to him and his breath was on my lips and he pressed his lips on mine. It was slow and soft kiss, I melted in his arms and kissed him back. Because of the phone ringing we had to pull away from the kiss.

He took the phone and put it on speaker and I saw it was Antino on the phone, damn this boy doesn't give us a break does he.
Phone call
Xavier: yes Tino
Tino: where the hell are you
He looked at me and smirked and to which I freaking blushed god something is happening to me.
Xavier: around the house Tino what happened?
Tino: god I think Bella is missing
Xavier: really why do you think that
He asked in a playful tone
Tino: cause we are not able to find her and she is not picking up her god damn phone and why are you so calm oh god she is with you isn't she get your asses here both of you or else I have no clue what we happen in the house if they noticed
Me: so you're telling me that they didn't notice and calling us back why are you like this?
Tino: get your asses here this instant
And he cut the call

I just chuckled at his reaction and Xavier was looking at me more than staring at me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow and he told, "you look beautiful and I like you wearing my clothes" I blushed at the words he said and I was hiding my face in his chest, "please don't hide from me princess you look so beautiful tesero" and he chuckled at my reaction and he got up and helped me up.

I was about to remove his hoddie and give it to him and he stopped me and told "wear it looks better on you anyway" all these small things made my heart flutter. How did I get so lucky. We entered the living room and sat down on our seats. Dad was talking to Enzo and Sandro and Mattia and Mattio were nowhere to be found and Brook was playing with Tino who also noticed us entering the room.

When he saw us entering the room and sitting down he carried Brook towards us and Brook ran and hugged us and sat in between Xavier and me. I smiled at her and turned to Tino and he was smirking at me, "what?" I asked, "its nothing, oh it's just that you are wearing my best friends hoddie and I just wanted to ask did something happen between the two of you?" He stated chuckling and smirking. Xavier smirked at that and I hit is chest playfully. Tino was just smirking his ass off. "Ughh you both are disgusting" I said knowing what both of them were thinking and went to get up. But Xavier caught my wrist and pulled me to him and I ended up sitting on his lap and I blushed.

"No PG there is a child here and keep your hands off my sister even though you are my best friend you are an ass" he told us playfully and carried Brook away from us. "You really have guts mister Mafia" I told him, "I don't need guts to hold my girlfriend do I?" He implied. I hit him and said, "slow down idiot, we don't even know about each other and I am not your girlfriend" I told him. He just told "yet". God what am I going to do with this idiotic person.

I saw Sage enter the room and I got off from Xavier's lap and went towards her. I heard him mumble I really can't spend time alone with her without someone interrupting us. I just laughed at him and hugged Sage, more like squeezed the living shit of her and she did the same to me and we laughed. She kissed my forehead and moved towards the boys. After she was done with everyone she came back and told that dinner was ready. "Great I am starving" Mattia and Mattio said. "God I am still getting used to this" I replied.

After dinner and a little bit of chatting all of us proceeded to our respected bedrooms and Xavier, Brook and Sage went home. Xavier hugged me and kissed my forehead and left the house and everyone were looking at me like I just murdered someone and I raised my eyebrow and they just looked away communicating with each other with their eyes. God my family is the most idiotic family I have ever seen. I just laughed at their interaction and went to my room to sleep. Just as I hit the bed I fell asleep. Tomorrow is the twins birthday they are officially turning 18 and they are going to give me shit. I did have their birthday presents with me but dad said he is throwing a party for them because he threw a party for everyone when they turned 18. And it's like all the mafia people will be there. What more can I expect from my family. So no school tomorrow I have to go shopping and select a dress for myself, ughhh!!! So irritating.

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