Chapter 34

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I started going through the camera footage, it was none other than the Mexican Mafia, it looks like dear Santiago had no clue what his son was doing while he was taking care of a mess in Mexico, I started looking for information on who leaked out the information to the Mexican Mafia, looks like they had a spy in both the Mafia's the Italian and also in the American Mafia. Looks like we are going hunting for the traitor tomorrow is going to be fun, a sadistic smirk crossed my face while others looked like I have gone crazy. 

So I did the only logical thing I could do I told them who planned the attack, it was none other than the Mexican Mafia, them being shocked would be an understatement but I guess they understood because Sebastian wanted to get revenge because he was humiliated in a room full of mafia men and couldn't take it. I finally closed the laptop and looked that everyone looked relieved that they could get all their things back. 

Xavier opened his arms and I quickly went next to him and cuddled close, he kissed my head and a couple of aww's were being heard across the room and I rolled my eyes at them. "So, when were you people going to tell us you wear dating?" Mattia asked Xavier and me, "It's not that we weren't gonna tell you but you people seemed so tensed when we came home guess we didn't want to make you people more tensed with everything" I told them. 

I turned my face to Tino and Elena, "so you people, you people didn't care to tell me that you were dating, I had my doubts but I guess I am not close enough for you people to tell me that you were dating were you" I huffed out aloud. "Stop being dramatic bitch, you were the first one to know about me and Tino dating, you freaking planned out the date for us." She told me and I just laughed at her. 

Sage came down a squealed after seeing Xavier and me all cuddled up and she said, " thank god I taught me son would die single with the rate he was going, you choose someone nice finally" Sage yelled as she sat down next to my dad. Everyone laughed at her excitement but she can be scary when she intended to be and it made me shiver seeing her in all anger. All of us were joking around in the hall when we heard small footsteps, I smiled at the sight, Brook came down with a teddy bear in her hand, god she was so cute. 

"Aww Brook what happened baby" I asked her, she took in the new faces in the room and stood still. I laughed at her and went to pick her up and sat down next to Xavier. "Me no sleepy sleepy" Brook told, I just laughed at her and kissed her cheeks. As soon as she saw Xavier she jumped to him and I smiled, aww someone missed their brother. She clung to Xav and he was talking to Brook about something, I am pretty sure if they see Xavier like this no one will believe that he was the Mafia King. Everyone were talking to themselves, when I decided to go to the kitchen to get Brook something, I opened the fridge and found the chocolate cake, I took the cake to the hall and served everyone a piece. I grabbed 2 pieces and sat down next to Xavier and Brook. I started feeding Brook and she gleamed with joy as she what it was and I smiled at her, she was adorable. 

"You little miss are going to bed, it is way past your bedtime" my dad told to Brook and grabbed her from my lap and took her to her room telling us goodnight, the next to leave was Sage telling us she was tired. Xavier looked at me, and lifted me up to sit in his lap and sighed of relief when he had me in his lap. He started kissing me neck slowly while I was talking to the twins and Enzo. Alessandro caught on to what Xavier was doing and told, "okay I am out of here, I don't want to see these both kissing each other all night".  With him saying that everyone left Xavier and me alone in the hall.

I laughed at the smirk he had on his face telling me that he could finally have me to himself. I got of him and went to the kitchen and felt him follow me. "God Ela, did you have to be so hot, I can't freaking control myself you look so nice in this pj's and I just want to tear it off you" I blushed at his comment, and he picked me up and placed me on the counter and stood in between my legs. "You look soo nice Ela, so fucking hot that I can't get enough of you, I can't get enough of those lips, I am so addicted to you Ela, you being away from me for a minute is killing me". I blushed soo hard with all those words he spoke to me and yawned out. He just chuckled at me and carried me to my room, removed my slippers and placed me on the bed. I saw him go out and come inside my room with him being changed, damn those abs, he looks sooo hot, he didn't have his shirt on, and he was wearing tracks. 

"Ela, you can stare at me all you want baby I am all yours but right now you need to sleep, I am pretty sure you are exhausted the same way I am so sleep tight princess" he said and came under the blankets. I smiled at him and kissed him, god I am so lucky to have this person and I am so happy with him, it felt so nice to stay with him. I snuggled close to him and drifted off to sleep and I felt him kiss my head, cheeks and lips and sleeping. 

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