Perfect 🥰

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Takes place after the Orpheum
Luke and Julie haven't told each other their feelings
Nick asked julie to prom and she said yes since she knew Luke wouldn't be able to go with her

(A/n inspired by one of my most favorite songs)


It was prom night, and I was up in my room getting ready. People say that prom is the best thing about high school but I for one have to disagree. If I could I would stay home in sweatpants watching movies on the couch till I pass out but I can't do that since nick asked me to go with him.

My sweetass said yes to him even though I didn't want to go with him.

Nick is a great guy but my heart just doesn't belong to him, it belongs to the brown haired, hazel eyed boy with huge biceps who is practically married to his guitar. Yes you guessed it it's none other than our very own Luke Patterson.

I've had a crush on him since he first showed my bright and man my crush has only grown but since I am a human and luke is well dead and a ghost I'm stuck here going to prom with Nick. Pray for me

I put on some makeup nothing too fancy, put on my heels and went downstairs only to see 3 dumb ghosts trying to figure out how to connect the Bluetooth speaker to the TV.
These dumbasses.

"Hey guys" I said, they all turned to me and their jaws dropped, I did a little twirl and said "how do I look?"

Alex said "If I wasn't gay I'd totally ask you out" I chuckled
Reggie said "You look like a princess Jules" I gave him a small smile and a hug. Luke on the other hand looked like his jaw was gonna fall out anytime it was adorable.

I went upto him and closed him mouth and said "like what you see Patterson?" He gulped and said "very much so" I giggled and said "well I guess Nick's gonna be here soon so I should get going.

"I wish I was nick" I heard Luke say, I smiled at the thought that he might like me but we can't be together and I have to accept that.

After some time nick pulls up and we reach the school, it was decorated beautifully I didn't even think that our low key gym could look so amazing.

(After Julie left)
Man she doesn't know what she does to does she.

I have liked julie ever since we first started singing together and honestly I just wanna tell her how I feel before it's too late. But I guess I missed my chance because she is going with nick, but they can go as just friends rignt?


I decide to go to the studio because I heard Reggie and Alex arguing about which pizza topping is better.
I honestly don't even know why I am friend with these two they fight like Cats and dogs all the time it's annoying 😒

When I went to the studio I saw a tux laid out with a note
The note said
'Wear this and come to the school julie would love to see you

Ok so I'm not sure whether I should or if I shouldn't ugh I'll just ask Alex

I went back into the house and told Alex about the the tux and the note

"Dude you totally should go" Alex says
"I agree with him you guys look at each other the way Alex looks when he thinks about Willie" Reggie adds
Alex gives him a death stare

"Ok I guess I'll go" I say
"Oh and also tell her how you feel" Reggie says "yeah man I hate to see you guys avoid your feelings" adds Alex

I went to the studio got ready and decided to bring her flowers (dahlias)

When I got there I saw Julie sitting in a corner with a drink in her hand I decided to go to her.

"Is this seat taken?" Julie looks up at me and smiles and says "what are you doing here?" Shit what do I say Flynn called me???

"Uhh I never got to go to prom so I thought it might be uh nice" she nodded. I asked "where's nick ?" Julie shrugged "no clue I lost him I guess" I nodded. I don't know why but I took her hand and we went outside in the football field.

Julie took off her shoes and I followed and took off my jacket. She took out her phone and played her favorite song 'perfect' I took out my hand and said "may I have this dance" she smiled and took it and said "you may".

There we were dancing in the dark, barefoot on the grass with her hands around my neck and mine on her waist nothing needed to be said. Just us and the whorl world melting away. I was so lost in her eyes that I couldn't hold in my smile neither was she.

"You look great in a tux" she said I laughed and said "you look perfect in anything" her smile faded away and my eyes flickered to her lips and back to her eyes. They were shinging like stars and I couldn't help myself.

I started to lean in and so did she. We shared a sweet passionate kiss. Neither of us wanting to pull away and just wanting to stay in this moment forever and cherish each other.

After a while we pulled away both breathless.

"That was amazing" she said "Jules I really like you and I know that I'm a ghost and you are a human and that it won't even work and you probably don't like me gosh I'm such an-" I was cut off by her kissing me again.
"What was that for" she smiled and said "you were ranting and I like you too"

"Be my girlfriend" "okay"

"Be my girlfriend" "okay"

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(Julie's dress)

(Julie's dress)

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(Lukes tux)

A/N ok so that was my first one shot hope you liked it comment how I can improve or what kind of one shots you would like to see.
Till next time
Xoxo 💜💜

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