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Luke and Julie are royals but of rival kingdoms but what happens when they accidentally kiss and fall for each other? Will their parents approve or off with their heads?

Julies pov
"You have to go to this event my dear" my mother says while I just groan "but why I don't want to" "This isn't up for debate Juliette" my father says walking into my room. "Ughhh fine I'll go" I say not amused.

Well I guess I should properly introduce myself. Hi I'm Juliette molina, daughter of king Raymond molina and queen Rosalinda molina. We rule the kingdom of buronia. I have a younger brother Carlos molina but since I'm older and smarter I will be getting the kingdom. Hurray....

Right now my parents are forcing me to go to this formal event for all royal kids and I don't really feel like going since I'm not really a social butterfly. All the neighboring kingdoms royals are coming including our worst enemies kelvania. My father says that it's a long drawn conflict which can't be resolved since it's been going on for decades. I personally believe that there is good in everyone.

Kelvania is ruled by king Mitchell and queen Emily and they have a son named Lukas. The pattersons and molinas can't get along. Like AT ALL. Everytime they see each other for any reason there's always a fight. It's honestly kinda annoying, I mean we are taught to love our neighbors but here we hate them.

My makeup artists are here along with my hair stylist an my gown.

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