Bonus Chapter

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Hey guys, I know its been a while but here's a little bonus Chapter coz I really felt like writing something ya know...hehe hope you enjoy



"Bloodsucker....fame fucker....bleedin my dry like a goddamn vampire"

I finish singing the last note of Olivia Rodrigo's song. Ugh I'm literally obsessed with it...well that's probably because I myself am a vampire.

I've been this way for like almost a decade now...stuck in my 20 year old body forever.

Being a vampire isn't really that bad but like after a point life gets kinda boring and monotonous. I've been living the same life for so long. All alone...always hungry for blood. I just wish I find the guy who turned me so that I can get revenge. All my friends and family have grown up and well me...I'm stuck like this forever.

I wanted to become a professional singer but how would I even explain to the world that I don't age and that I bite off peoples necks and drink their blood simply because I'm hungry.

But doesn't mean there aren't things that I like about being a vampire. For example, I look hot throughout, I can get anything I want, I heal pretty quickly which means that I can wear heels without the pain, I have super speed and my personal favourite Eternal love.

Love only lasts until you die and being a vampire not many things can kill me. The saying is true only a vampire can love you forever.

I remember the night that I turned, it was pretty great at first but later it turned into a huge mess. I fucking died. In order for a person to become a vampire they must die with vampire blood in their system. And that's exactly what happened to me.

I was with my mom that time and we got into a car crash, unfortunately she died while I became a vampire.

Sometimes I wish I had died too that night, I mean technically I did but I'm still here and my mom isn't so....

I walk to my living room and see my boyfriend Luke sitting on the sofa playing the guitar. "Hey baby" I said hugging him from behind and giving him a kiss on the cheek "hello love" he says back.

I hop on the couch next to him as he puts his guitar away. I put my head on his shoulder and he kisses my head. I love this guy but the thing is that he's a human. Which means that he'll grow older while I'll still be me which means we can't be together unless I turn him, which he asked me to do multiple times but I refuse to do so until I know he's sure about it because I don't want to ruin his life the way someone did mine.

"So have you given more thought about turning me?" He asked stroking my arm up and down, I shrugged "we discussed this Luke, I'm not turning you" I replied.

"But why, what's the problem? I love you and wanna be with you forever no matter what and if that means that I have to become a vampire then so be it" he said and I looked up at him, his hazel eyes were staring at mine full of love and affection. As much as I wanted to be with him forever it was incredibly selfish of me to turn him.

"I don't want to ruin your deserve to live a normal human life" I said he just simply scoffed "I want you to achieve your dreams, get married, have kids, grow old and eventually die one day knowing that you lived your life to the fullest....I want you to have all those things that I wanted but couldnt have" I told him as my eyes started to become watery.

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