Brothers best friend

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Reggie and julie are siblings, Luke is Reggies best friend and julie has a crush on him.

⚠ warning smut

Julie's pov

"Ugh you suck" I hear Alex say to Reggie. "Chill man" Reggie said and walked in "hey lil sis" he says to me and walks into the kitchen with his two besties.

Alex and Luke. "So will you be at our gig mini molina?" Questioned Luke, they call me mini molina since I'm reggies younger sister "oh yeah totally" I say excitedly "great, Luke's really looking forward to it" Alex says and winks, Luke rolls his eyes and leaves.

"Come on boys let's fuel up and then rehearse" Reggie says. They had their food and were going to the studio to rehearse when I said "can I come watch?" "Yeah sure" "oh yeah Luke would love that" Alex says mockingly and Reggie nudges his arm "Hey that's my lil sis ok? She's off limits" I laugh and walk out with them.

I watch them rehearse since I'm like their number 1 fangirl and also because I love it when Luke flips his guitar. It is so damn hot. Ugh to say I don't like Luke would be a huge lie, I literally love him. He's like the hottest guy alive.

His arms, his abs, his fluffy hair, his billion dollar smile, his beautiful eyes. Ugh I'm drooling. He's just so PERFECT. I clap for them and cheer them on, I notice that brings a smile to Luke's face. I can see Alex smirking at me and luke and reggie is just doing his own thing.

"Damn guys you're awesome" "yeah we are" Reggie says and high fives the others. Suddenly my phone buzzes, it's a text from nick. Hey I'm at your house ready to start our science project?
Crap. I totally forgot. He suddenly walks into the garage "Hey julie, Hey guys" "hey nick! How'd you get to know I was here?" I questioned "oh uh your little brother uhm carlos? Yeah he let me in and told me" "oh uh ok uhm let's go to my room and start working on our project then" I say and drag him upstairs before the boys say anything.

Luke's pov
Ugh nick, I hate that guy. I like julie and it's no secret, well Reggie and julie don't know yet but I try to make it a little obvious to her but she doesn't get the hint.

"Let's continue guys" Reggie whines "one minute" I say and walk out to get some fresh air.

I walk out and see that nick hanging out with julie making her laugh. Barf.

Later that night (warning ⚠ smut)

Julie's pov
Nick has just left and I'm finally sitting alone in my room. Suddenly I heard my door open, I look up to see who it was and to my surprise I see Luke standing there with anger in his eyes. I gulp.

"What're you doing here?" He turns around and locks the door. "Something I've wanted to do for a long time" his eyes meet mine as he walks towards me, I step back until my back is attached to the wall while his hands are on either side of me.

Our gaze fixed on each other, a shiver goes down my spine as I feel his breath on my lips. He leans towards my ear and says "you're mine princess" and that makes my heartbeat a million times faster.

His hand cups my cheek as he slides his thumb over my lips "god you're so pretty mini molina". I see him staring at my lips.

I close my eyes and press my lips against his. Our lips move together perfectly. I put my arms around his neck while his trace my sides. Our kiss becomes deeper and deeper. He licks my lip and i part my lips just enough for him to slide his tongue in.

We pull back to get some air only to lean in again. The kiss was rough almost as if he was releasing his anger, my hands gripped his hair and his slid down to my thighs. "Jump" I did as he commanded. He moved us over to my bed not breaking our kiss once.

He sat me down on the bed and looked at me "you sure you want this" he asked "I want this....I want you" he climbs over me and kiss me deep, this time full of love. His hands pick at the hem of my shirt and I give him permission to take it off. He throws it somewhere and takes off his shirt in one swift motion.

I can't help but stare at his abs, "like what you see princess" he smirks. He takes my hands and runs them over his abs and moans to my touch. He leans forward and starts kissing my cheek to my jaw and finally my neck.

I moan as he bites my sweet spot. "Shhhhh don't want anybody to hear us" Luke said and leaned in to kiss me. "You don't want anybody to hear that you're fucking me" I say and smirk. He moved down to kiss my breasts. He slides his tongue into my bra cup "can we take this off" "yeah". He unclasps my bra and throws in on the floor.

He stares at my boobs for a moment " take a picture, it'll last longer" I tease "shut up". He starts to french kiss one of my nipples while his hand works wonders on my other boob. I try to hold back my moans so that no one can hear us.

He starts to kiss my stomach and unbuttons my jeans "raise your hips for me doll", that nickname turns me on even more. I do as he says and he pulls down my jeans along with my underwear. He does the same with his and lines himself up with my entrance.

He makes eye contact with me as if asking for permission. I nod and he kisses me again while pushing himself in. I gasp. "It's okay baby" he stayed still for me to adjust to his size. "Go" I say and he pulls out and then back in, I try not to scream "fuck" I say. He moves faster and faster and I couldn't help but moan.

He continued for a while and I could feel a knot in my stomach. "Luke I-I think I'm cl-close" "me too princess". We both came and he kissed me one last time before pulling out.

He lay down next to me and pulled the sheets over us. I rest my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my shoulder while his fingers played with my hair.

"Is now a good time to tell you that I like you" Luke said and I laughed "yeah it is and I like you too" "will you go on a date with me?" He asked I looked up at him and kissed him "does that answer your question" "it sure does but just to be sure let's try that again" I laugh and kiss him once more.

"Oh crap" he says "what's wrong?" "We didn't use any protection" he sounded worried "don't worry I should probably take the pill anyway" he kissed my head and I snuggled into him falling asleep.

Lets just say as amazing as this night was the next morning Reggie wasn't as happy.

Hey guys
It's been so long since I've updated, anyways I wanted to post this earlier but I've been so busy.
Let me know how this was and give me some suggestions please.
Alright thats it
Xoxo ❤️❤️

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