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Julie and luke are currently just hookups which they both do for fun. But what happens when Luke starts dating Carrie and julie gets a little jealous.

TW:Some heated scenes maybe smut......

Anyways enjoy!!!!! :)


Luke and I are just hookups, nothing more. We have been doing this for about a year now and none of us mind it. We had only 1 rule and that is-no feelings. You could also say that I kind of hate Luke but man is he good at sex that's one of the reasons why I hookup with him.

"Fuck Luke oh my god" I moan as he thrust his HUGE dick into me. "You like that babygirl?" "Fuck yes" I say as my nails dig into his back and he goes faster and faster not stopping or slowing down once. "Fuck pincess you're so tight" "don't call me that" I say. He gets a little angry and starts going even faster if that's even possible "shit-oh my-fuck- Luke I think I'm gon-gonna cum" I moan. "Me too" he says after a while we both cum and he pulls out of me. He lays down next to me as we both catch our breath.

"That was fun" he says "it was something" I say "now get the hell outta here" I say "damn that's  little harsh" "Yeah yeah sure" I say as I cover myself Luke gets up and puts his clothes on. "Have fun explaining all those hickies to everyone" he says and laughs "I hate you" I say "you don't hate my dick though" he smirks I roll my eyes "Please leave"  "see you later princess" "don't call me that you asshole!" I yell.

A few days later.....

Guess what Luke and I are doing right now? If you said working on a school project then you're completely wrong. We were supposed to be doing that but I don't even know how or who started things but here we are currently fucking on his kitchen counter.

After......That I left his house and went to mine. I saw my dad sitting on the couch looking at some old photos of my mom and crying. "Hey dad" I say "watcha doing?" He quickly hides the photos and shrugs "Hey mija I was just uh nothing" "it's ok dad I get it it's hard"

My mom died about 2 years ago and I miss her like crazy and so does my dad and brother. Sex was one of the ways I was coping with her death and that's kind of how Luke and I started hooking up. I walk upto my room and changed into fresh clothes and went to bed.

The next morning I had school -yay...sense the sarcasm. Ughh why do we even have school!! I got out of bed and got ready for the day, I don't know why but I wanted to dress hot today. So I chose

I put on some light makeup and grabbed my backpack and left the house

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I put on some light makeup and grabbed my backpack and left the house. I put on my headphones and turned on doja cat. I don't even know why I am so obsessed with doja cat. Anywas I walk into the school and head to my locker and take out my books as Flynn walks upto me "Hey underachiever" "hey disappointment" we greet each other. "So how was working with Mr.patterson yesterday?" I did not see that coming "eh we ended up fucking on his counter " I blurt "wow that's actually kind of predictable" she says and I laugh.

The bell rings and we both headed to class. After a million hours of studying we finally get to go home. Yessss, on my way out I notice Luke talking to Carrie, ugh I can't stand that bitch. Why are they standing so close and why is she laughing so much and why on earth is she so touchy with him. I could just punch her in the face right now. I was snapped out of my thought by Flynn nudging my arm.

"Watcha looking at?" She says "uh uh nothing" I say awkwardly, she gives me a look. She looks around and spots Luke an Carrie then comes to realization and spoke "ohhhh so you're getting jealous" "what pfft- me jealous-hah why would you say that?" I say awkwardly "seriously" "Yeah just shut up and drop it" and we both head home.

After a couple hours

I was sitting in my room doing my homework when i heard my brother say "Julie there's some guy on the door for you" he shouts "coming" I shout back, I go down and see Luke on the door Carlos gives both of us a look and leaves "hey" I say "hey" "uh come in" "No it's ok I just wanted to tell you something" he says "oh uh ok uhm what is it?" I ask "uh well  we uh can't hookup anymore" he says as he scratches the back of his head "Oh uh but why?" I questioned. "Well uhm me and Carrie are kind of official now and uh I want to be a good boyfriend so"

"wow Luke I didn't know you were such a romantic" I say he laughs "well I hope we can still be friends" he asks "sure" I say. "Allright well see you later princess" I roll my eyes "bye you asshole"

After he leaves I feel sad, like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and torn into pieces. Luke and I had decided that we won't have feelings but I can't help it. I think I like him but there's nothing I can do now. He's dating that plastic bitch Carrie. Ughhhhhh why am i feeling like this, I can just find someone else to hookup with. Ughhhhhhh......

The next few weeks have been super hard for me. Watching Luke and Carrie be the most popular and cute couple of the school. Barf. My feelings have only grown stronger and I tried to move on but I just couldn't. I try to be happy for Luke but there's this feeling that holds me back.

Hey besties! So I know the ending sucks but I wanted to leave an open ending so you guys can make up your own theories on what's going to happen next since I had no clue what to write 😅. Help me!!!
Anyways, til next time
Xoxo 💙💙

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