Illeagal Girlfriend

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Julie is 18 and a senior.
Luke is 22 and is starting a job as a teacher in Julie's school
Will they hit it off? Or will someone come along the way 🤔
⚠️ no smut but things get a little heated so....

Read ahead to find out mwahahaha


My alarm goes off at 6:30 ughh I hate Mondays, they are the worst because it means that the weekend is over and we have to attend the shithole-school.

I heard we are getting a new English teacher. I wonder what he/she might be like?

I got out of bed took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on some light makeup and walked over to my closet. I decided to wear something hot and cute.
(A/n I'm too lazy to describe her outfit so here ya go)

After getting dressed I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen

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After getting dressed I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen."Morning dad" I say grabbing an apple "morning mija ready for school?" "Sure looks like it" I respond plainly.

I leave and put on my earphone blasting Taylor swift.

When I went to my locker I saw Flynn standing there she waved at me and I waved back. We talked for a bit before the bell rang and on our way we saw a young guy in a blue button up shirt and dress pants. Damn he looks hot as fuck. Focus julie.

After completely zoning out of history and math it was time for English ugh. Well atleast I'll find out about the new teacher.

I was looking at my phone as I walked into the class when suddenly I heard someone say "eyes up here young lady" my eyes widened when I saw the guy who was speaking to me, I almost dropped my phone. Shit it was the same guy from the corridor. Damn standing so close to him my heart is beating like thunder. "Oh uh sorry" I say as I take my seat. This is going to be interesting.

"My name is Luke Patterson and I'm going to be your new teacher."

A few days/weeks later...

"Alright class that's it for today" Mr.patterson says as the bell rings. I'm gonna be honest my crush on Mr. Patterson has only grown over these last couple weeks. He's just so fucking hot I can't help myself. "Julie I'm gonna need you to sty back I have to talk to you" my head shot up and "uhh ok uhm" I was nervous, my palms were sweating and I gulped and went over to him.

"Miss molina you may need extra classes" I was shocked "why?" I questioned. He shrugged and said "your last paper wasn't upto its course you're gonna need extra credit for your grades to go up" I nodded "I'm free if you want I could personally tutor you" I thought for a moment. My hotass teacher who I'm crushing on tutoring me won't be such a bad thing now would it. I took a piece of paper put my number and address on it. I smiled and said "see you after school" and left the classroom.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of excited. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

After school

I was sitting in my room doodling when I heard a knock I told the person to come in and saw my teacher. "Hey" I said smiling "Hey uh you didn't tell me any particular time so I  am hope I'm not interrupting anything?" "No no it's fine" he smiled and made his way in. I put away my books and asked him to sit on the bed."Oh I'm sorry I forgot to ask uh would you like anything to drink or eat?" I asked humbly "I'm good but I could go for some water" I nodded and got him a glass of water.

I handed him the glass and our fingers brushed sending shivers through my body.

After a few "tutoring sessions" with little moments here and there.

I was currently in the middle of a tutoring session with Luke and he looked so hot today I just wanted to eat his beautiful face off. Ugh julie focus.

"I can't do this" I exclaimed he sighs and says "Ok let's take a break" I nod. "So tell me about you" I ask
"Well let's see, uh I'm 22, single, I live alone and I play guitar" "that's it" I ask "yeah pretty much how about you?" I gulp "well I'm 18 uh and I play piano and sing sometimes but I stopped after uh my mom uh" "you don't have to tell me anything you're not ready for" I smile "it's fine my mom uh she passed away a year ago" I say a little tear rolled down my cheek. Without a doubt Luke pulls me in his arms and I break down into his chest. He pulls my face up and wipes my tears. "I'm sorry it must be hard" I nodded "it is" I say as I pull back.

That's when I realize how close our faces were. His eyes flickered to my lips and back to my eyes.  Without thinking I connect our lips into a long passionate kiss. Neither of us wanting to pull away and just hungering for more. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slight. His tongue enters my mouth exploring it. I moan a little. We both pull away after a while of making out. Both our lips swollen and red. Our foreheads rest together neither of saying anything just enjoying this moment.

"Julie I-" I cut him off and said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have kissed you" "it's ok I enjoyed it" I smiled at him and looked into his eyes. "Luke I really like you, even though you're a teacher and we legally can't date but I'm still an adult so we probably can but the semester is about to end-" he cut me off with a small and sweet kiss. "I like you too" he said. We both were there smiling like idiots. But did we care nuh uh not one bit. "Will you be my illegal girlfriend?" I chuckled "Sure I'll be your secret illegal girlfriend"

After some time (a/n sorry for all the time skips)

There we were laying on Luke's bed with my head on his bare chest just enjoying each other's embrace. Then suddenly we heard a knock on the door. Luke got up put his clothes on and went to the door. I did the same and went behind him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I heard Luke say I went behind him and saw a lady with a little girl who looked about 2years old. I kissed Luke's cheek and said "baby who's this?"

"This is my........"

Hey there
Hope you liked this chapter.
I know the ending is weird but I will be making a part 2 for this.
Also who do you think this lady is?
Comment anything requests you have or any thoughts about this and how I can improve

Till next time
Xoxo 💜💜

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