Illeagal girlfriend 2

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This is continuing of the previous so don't get confused

"what the fuck are you doing here" I say as I see the person I least expected to see. My ex Carrie Wilson standing there with a little girl. Julie walks up to me and asked "baby who's this?"

"This is my ex-girlfriend Carrie" I tell her. She looks at me shocked. Me and Carrie broke up about 2-3 years ago after she cheated on me with some guy named nick. And that's probably his daughter.

"Look I know you're mad at me but I'm-" I cut her off "I don't fucking care, you cheated on me and now get out of my face and never return" I shout

"I know and I'm sorry but I'm here because I have to tell you something" she says I look at her in anger "fine spill"

"This girl is my daughter" "I can see that"

"And is your daughter"

My face falls in disbelief. Words can't describe my feelings right now. I have a fucking kid and I didn't even know? What the hell? Oh shit what about julie she must be devased.

"That's not possible" I say shocked. "What the fuck?" Julie says. Both our eyes turn to Carrie who was standing in front of us with tears. "I- uh I thought that she was Nick's but we recently found out through her DNA that she isn't and after that nick" she chocked "he left me, he fucking left me" she says, tears streaming down her face. I try to say something but no words come out.

"So now what do you want from me?" I say acting tough.

Julie looks back and forth between us.


Words can't describe how shocked I am. I mean he has a fucking daughter. What do I do now? Ughhh

Wait a sec what if what if he leaves me!?!!?

No no he can't. I need him, he needs me, we need each other, I can't imagine my life without him. I think I love him. Holy shit I love him, I FUCKING love him!?!?!


"All I want is a second chance" the girl Carrie speaks. That's it he's going to leave me and live with her, probably have more kids, great the only guy I love and he's going to leave me. God I hate my life,

"Hell no" Luke shouts "you fucking cheated on me and just because nick left you you expect me to forgive you and let you back in? Uh uh that ain't happening"

"Please Luke if not for me then for Fiona atleast"she pleads. Anger on Luke's face "I've had enough of you Carrie, I'm pretty sure if nick hadn't left you you wouldn't have even told me about her!" Luke says. Damn maybe he's not leaving me.

"Luke pl-" "get the fuck out of my face Carrie. You mean nothing to me anymore" and he slams the door. Damn.

"Jules I'm so sorry" he says teary. I look at him and his gaze softens I put a hand on his cheek and the other on his chest.
"Luke it's not your fault, she cheated on you, her loss she shouldn't just expect you to forgive her like that" he looks at me and smiles. "You know I thought you were going to leave me after this" I chuckle thinking that we both had the same thought

Maybe I should tell him that I love him.

"I thought that you were going to leave me too" i say. His eyes meet mine and he says "I could never leave you"

"I love you" We both say at the same time. We laugh a little and slowly share a soft and sweet kiss.

"But promise me one thing" I say. "What?"
"If I am pregnant you won't leave me" he looks at me and smiles "ofcource nor babygirl I can never leave you, you mean too much to me"

And we spent the whole night cuddling and watching movies with occasional makeout sessions.

After 3 years julie and luke got married and a year after that Julie is pregnant. (It's a girl)

Luke and Julie were sitting on their sofa thinking baby names for their little Patterson

"How about melody?" Luke says "Melody rose Patterson- I like it" Julie says giggling "thanks Luke" "for what?" He says

"For not leaving me" she says. And suddenly they heard their doorbell ring. Luke goes up and sees the one person he never wanted to see in his life. It was Carrie

"Why are you here this time?" Luke asks. Julie stood a little back so they couldn't see her but she could hear the whole conversation.

"Look I know I messed up but you have to help me just this once" she says. "What is it?" Luke says to her. Carrie moves her hand to her head and takes off a wig.

"What the fuck?" Luke said, he was shocked, Carrie was bald. " I have leukemia stage 4, they can't save me luke" she says crying. "All I want is for you to take care of Fiona please, she is after all your daughter too" she pleads

Luke was sad he didn't know what to do. " she's 6 Luke she can't live without someone taking care of her, please be mad at me all you want, but please look after her, please" she said crying. Luke goes upto her and hugs her.

Julie now comes behind him. She sees them and feels empathy towards Carrie now that she herself was going to be a mom and she knew what it felt like to lose a mother.

" Ok we'll take care of her" Julie said softly. Carrie looks up at her, Luke was shocked he thought she would have hated that but julie didn't mind it she was a kind soul. "Thank you" Carrie said.

After a few months Carrie passed away, Luke and julie had their daughter melody and Fiona now lived with them.

Hey there,
This is was the second part. I know Luke might seem like a bad guy in the start but he's a good guy he helped her. Anyways comment what you thought and let me know how I can improve 😌

Till next time

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