Coffee Shop

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Luke works at a coffee shop and one day he gets a new customer.

I am so bored. It sucks when your parents own a coffee shop and ask you to work and you can't say no. ugh I hate this. Especially since this lady is taking FOREVER to decide what she wants. She has been staring at the menu for about 20 minutes now. "I'll have the vanilla muffin" Seriously?!?! After torturing me for 20 minutes she chooses the simplest thing. "Coming right up" I gave her a fake smile and handed her the muffin.

After a while I decided to take my break since there aren't many people left. I take out my favorite banana bread and sit down to eat. As soon as I take a bite I hear the bell at the door jingle and just like that I see the most beautiful girl walk in. 

She had curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I feel like I could lose myself in them forever. Her hips swayed perfectly as she walked in. She walked to the counter and I quickly dropped my banana bread and went there. "Hello there" "hi" she said and smiled. God her smile is so beautiful.

"What can I get you" "oh uh a strong black coffee and whatever you recommend to eat" "well if you ask me the best thing on the menu is Me-N-U" god why did I say that. She blushed "I'm so sorry" "no it's ok it was a good one" she said and we both laughed. We took a moment and stared into each others eyes. God I dont even know her name and I'm already falling for her. 

"so uh what should i get to eat?" she asked breaking the silence "oh uh my personal favorite is the banana bread maybe get that?" "sure sounds nice" she starts to walk away "wait" she turns around "I didnt get your name" "its Julie" "a beautiful name for a beautiful lady" god why cant I stop. "thanks Luke" wait how does she know my name "uhm how do you know my name" "its on you name tag" and i laugh. 

I made Julie's coffee and on a napkin wrote 'can i have your number? please'  I walked over to where was sitting reading something on her phone "here you go madam" "thanks" I walked back to the counter and saw Julie look at the napkin and smile.


Luke seems like a pretty nice guy. He gave me my coffee and i notice that there was something written on the napkin. I open it and see 'can i have your number?please' I smile at it and decide to give it to him. I take out a pen from my bag and write down my number.

After I finish my coffee and banana bread which was actually fantastic I decided to go home.


I see Julie walk over to the counter "thanks for the coffee and the banana bread was amazing" "no problem I'm really glad you liked it" she smiled at me and paid for the things. She handed me the same napkin with the money and waved goodbye and left. I opened the napkin and saw her number written on it. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I got her number. 

After some time I closed the store and headed home. I went to my room and laid on my bed thinking about Julie. I decided to text her. 


L: hey its me Luke

J: Oh hey

L: watcha doing?

J: Nothing much really just laying on my bed

L: oh same

We texted for a while before we both decided to call it a night and go to sleep since it was getting pretty late.

The next day at the coffee shop (it's summer so they don't have school)

Julie came in this morning. "Good morning" she says "morning so what can I get you today?" "Uhm I'll take a mocha to go" "coming right up"

I make her drink and on the cup write 'Hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be Pretty Cute.'

I gave her her order and she smiled at the cup and left.

Narrators pov
This continued on for many days. Everyday julie would come in for a coffee and luke would write weird pick up lines on them and later at night they would text or call. But today was going to be different today Luke was finally going to tell her that he likes her.

The 2 of them had grown extremely close in just a couple of weeks and both of them knew that they liked each other and desperately wanted to tell each other how they felt.

Julie came in at her usual time and luke was eagerly waiting for her. She ordered her usual and this time Luke being himself wrote on the cup 'Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?' Julie took her drink and read the note. She looked up at Luke stood up from her seat and smashed her lips onto his.

Luke was taken aback a little but kissed her back. Her hands wrapped around his neck and his on her waist. Both not wanting to pull back since this is what they've both wanted for so long. They pulled back after a while breathless.

"There my lips met yours" Julie says Luke laughs "I guess they did" they both take a moment before they lean in again. This time a bit more passionate. They pull back after a while since they realized they were in a Cafe and people were watching.

"Julie i really like you" "I really like you too Luke" both of them smiling like idiots were super happy that they had now told each other how they truly felt. "Will you go on a date with me?" Luke asked. "Sure" Julie replied and hugged Luke.

And like that they went on their first date, and maybe after a while said the 3 magic words. But the cheezy pick up lines which brought them together would never be forgotten.

Hey peoples
How are you? Also how was this chapter I mean I personally liked it and enjoyed writing this but let me know what you thought.
Anyways till next time
Peace ✌
Xoxo 💙 💙

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