Dancing with your ghost

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Tw: sad, death
Also its an au so they were real human beings and not ghosts

Julies pov

"I'll never leave you" he said holding me tight. I hugged him back dipping my head into his chest. "I love you" I said "I love you more" he said kissing the top of my head.

I want to be in his arms forever, never to let go. But then suddenly a car came speeding down, he pushed me out of the way and blood-

I woke up to the same nightmare again. Panting heavily. I grab my water bottle and take a sip. I look around hoping to see him beside me but nothing. I break down again.

How am I supposed to do this? He promised me he would never leave me told me that we would grow old together. But he didn't keep his promise. He told me he would be there with me throughout. I cried. I cried for what felt like forever and cried myself to sleep.

My daily routine is pretty basic. Get up get dressed and leave for work. No need for socializing. I walk out to the living room and see his guitar. I walk upto it. I place my hand on top of it and it takes me back

"There you go" he said placing my fingers in the correct position. Today he's teaching me how to play the guitar. "That's an A chord" he told me "thanks for agreeing to do this" I told him. He kissed my neck from behind and whispered in my ear "anything for you my love".

He taught me more chords and every time I would play it right he would shower me with kisses. I love him so much. More than I've ever loved anyone.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asks placing kisses up my neck to my ear "Hmm, not today" I said putting the guitar down "well let tell you then" kiss -"I"-kiss "love"- kiss "you"-kiss.

"I love you too"

I snap back to reality, one where he isn't there. I take a hot shower and try to hold myself together and not cry. It's been 8 months but I still can't get over it. I can't get over his death. I haven't played music since he's been gone. I haven't done anything that makes me happy since nothing brings me happiness the way he did.

They say that it takes only 21 days to forget your love then your feelings aren't as strong anymore. But I disagree. I still love him the way I did before all of this happened.

I stare at my hand and see the bracelet he gave me.

"That was a good practice guys" he said and hugged me from behind "you were awesome mon amour" he said "mm thanks, you were on fire though" I said and he kissed my cheek.

The boys left and he spun me around. He grabbed my face and kissed me. We pulled away "what was that for?" I asked my face flushed. "No reason, I just like kissing you" he said kissing me again. We pulled back after a while.

"Oh I almost forgot" he pulled out a box "I got something for you" "are you proposing to me" I asked he chuckled "no, not yet" he took out the prettiest bracelet I've ever seen. It was silver and it had many charms in it. One was a music note, a dahlia, the letter 'J' and the letter 'L' and many more things.

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