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Julie and Luke are dating and Julie gets horny.

Inspired by Ariana Grande (love this song)

Warning: Smut so read at your own risk

Alright hope you enjoy :)


So Luke and I have been dating for quite some time now and I feel like I'm ready for y'know sex. Luke said that he would wait for as long as it takes and he has all this while. He's literally the sweetest. Today I'm going to tease him and hopefully he breaks and I get what I want.

I put on a black crop top with some skinny ripped jeans and wear my nike air force to top off my outfit I put on Luke's flannel which he loves. Luke will go crazy once he sees me. I put on a little light makeup since I don't usually put on a lot of it. I leave my hair open cause why the heck not.

I walk downstairs and see my dad in the kitchen reading something on his phone. "Morning dad" "Morning mija" I walk in carefully hoping he doesn't notice what I'm wearing. "listen Julie I will be gone for the weekend since I have some work and Carlos said that he has a sleepover tonight so I wanted to ask you if you be ok alone?" this is perfect with both of them gone Luke and I can have the house all to ourselves. yessssssssssssssssssssssssss. "Of course dad I'll be fine" "great alright i gotta go now see you on sunday" he kissed my head "bye dad" and with that he left. Right after that I heard a honk outside. I saw Luke waiting in the car for me looks like its time for me to go. I grab my bag and walk outside.

"hey" "morning mon amour"(my love) he says making me blush. As soon as he saw me his jaw dropped "You like my outfit?" "you look so hot" "thanks" I sit in the passenger seat and he hands me a cup of coffee and a chocolate muffin. God he knows me so well. "aww thanks" "no problem" with that we drive off. He bought himself a muffin too. We reached school and as soon as Luke parked I turned to face him. He looked at me confused. I moved closer to him and brought my hand to his face. I placed my finger on his lips and wiped off a crumb and licked my finger. He was left blown away before he could say anything I opened the door and left.

After long and boring classes it was time for lunch. I went to the cafeteria and saw my friends I went to their table and saw that one seat was empty "hey guys" "hey julie" they said. I put my tray down and sat in Luke's lap. He was taken aback a little but didn't say anything. "You do know there's an empty chair there" Alex said "I know but this is my favorite seat" I say and lean into Luke's body. He put his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. "Also movie night at my place today" I said they all agreed. Little did they know we ain't seeing a thing tonight.


Everyone's here. I'm going to tease Luke even more. "Alright lets get this party started" Alex says. "While you guys pick the movie I'll go make some popcorn" I say "I'll join you" Luke says.

We go to the kitchen and I decided to sing Ariana Grande's 34+35 "Can you stay up all night fuck me till the day light" He gives me a weird look. "What? It's a song by ariana grande" "ohh ok" he says. We take the popcorn and walk to where everybody was sat. They decided to put dirty dancing which was one of my favorites.

I sat next to Luke and put my head on his chest. He put his arm around me.I took my hand and ran it from his jaw line all the way to his abs. I could see him tense up "Baby you might need a seatbelt when I ride it" I say into his ear using the lyrics from the song. "Don't start something you can't finish" he says to me "who says I can't finish it" I say and walk into the kitchen. I pretend to get some water till I feel a presence behind me. "you wanna tease well baby I can tease too" he says into my ear and placed his hand on my inner thigh and started rubbing it. I moaned a little and as soon as I did he left.

I'm pretty sure now that we both are more interested in each other than the movie. After the movie everyone left but Luke. "so what do you wanna do now?" "I can think of a thing or two" I say and he smirks.

I smash my lips onto his and put my hands around his neck his hands travel down my waist as he kisses me back. He licked my lip but I didn't open my mouth just yet. He repeated this a few times but I still didn't let him in. He pulled back angry "you still tease eh?" he said and pushed me against the wall and kissed me rough his hand slid down and he started rubbing near my thighs hard and fast. I moaned and Luke took the chance and slipped his tongue in exploring my mouth. He picked me up and carried me upstairs and opened my bedroom door and slammed me against it not breaking the kiss once.

He carried me over to the bed and took my flannel off and then my shirt. I took his off and he stopped "what happened did I do something wrong?" I ask "no its just are you sure about this I mean you said you wer-" "I'm sure Luke" he smirked and came over me and started kissing my neck he soon started biting and leaving hickies all over my neck. He made his way to my boobs and licked under my bra cup. "can we lose this" I nod "I need words jules" "yes" he unclipped my bra and took it off. He stared at my boobs for a moment "take a picture it'll last longer" I said and laughed. He started sucking on my boobs.

He then made his way down to my jeans and looked up at me "you sure?" "I'm sure" he then opened my jeans and took them off followed by my underwear. "You're beautiful" he said and kissed my inner thighs and slowly his way to my clit. He then slowly slid his tongue inside me and I gasped. He started tongue fucking me and I moaned. After a while I felt a knot turn inside my stomach "Luke I think I-I'm gonna-na cum" and I soon came into his mouth. "mmm you taste good babygirl"

He then took off his pants and I could see his dick popping out. Damn it was big. "who's staring now" "shut up and do something" he smirks "wait do you have a condom?" "I'm on pill" "very well" he said and kissed me. He lined himself with my entrance and slowly pushed inside me and I screamed "hey hey you're doing great baby" he said and kissed my forehead. He stopped and let me adjust to his size and slowly pulled himself out and smashed it in again. He did that a few times "faster daddy" I plead "fuck" and he started thrusting even faster. My moans only got louder as he hit my g-spot god I love this feeling. "fuck Luke I think I'm going to cum" "me too" he says.

Soon we both cum and luke pulls out of me and lays next to me. "that was" "amazing" luke cut me off. I put my head on his bare chest and traced his abs he put his arm around me. "I love you" "I love you too"

"good night" "night"

Hey peoples how are you?
Anyways how was this chapted it was like the longest one I've written till now.
Also I've never written smut before so if you think it's terrible then I'm sorry.
Comment what you want to see and like ideas for my next one shot cause i have zero
till next time
xoxo 💜🤍

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