Perfect Harmony

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Ok so this is a request by @Fantomforever

Luke finds perfect harmony

Luke's pov
I'm sitting in the garage writing some music hopefully to impress julie. In case it wasn't obvious I like her like a lot and I want to make her mine but don't really know how. I'm a ghost and she's a human. With everything after the Orpheum we can't touch but we aren't exactly alive.

I decide to go to Julie's room to maybe find something in her dream box like lyrics. She writes killer lyrics maybe I can use them.

I walk into her room upto her dream box I open it and see a paper with " perfect harmony"  written outside. I open it and see a song.

It's a love song, I wonder who it's about. Then suddenly my gaze falls to the bottom of it. J+L  inside a little heart was there. I smile. Maybe she likes me too, how great would that be. I fold the paper and keep it in my pocket, I'm going to surprise her.

I was in the garage thinking about how to surprise julie. Then suddenly Alex and Reggie poof in.

"Hey guys" "hey man, watcha thinking about?" Alex asked "oh just things" I reply "oh yeah? What things?" "Probably julie" Reggie says with a smirk and I gave him a look. "It's nothing guys" I argue with myself on whether j should tell them about the song or not.

"You okay man?" "Uh-yeah-yeah why?" "Nothing you just seem kinda lost" Reggie says. "Guys I need to tell you something" I show them the song and tell them that I want to surprise Julie.

"Oh man, I'm so happy that you finally decided to man up and tell her how you feel" Alex says with a proud look on his face "yeah but I'm not sure how to" I say "oooooohhh maybe you could get her a hamster " Reggie suggests "and then what?" "Then show could give it to me" he says in a child like voice.

"I think I have a better plan" Alex says and tells me the plan. Oh oh oh this is gonna be good.

Julie's pov
Ugh, today has been so hectic. I'm so glad that school is finally over! I get home and go to my room. I walk in and see a note on my bed

Meet me outside the garage at midnight

Huh I wonder who it's from, but the handwriting kinda gives it away. It's from Luke. I can recognize that handwriting anywhere.

I guess I have to meet him tonight but for what? And what do I even wear? Nevertheless I call Flynn for help.

She tells me to dress in the same black dress that I wore for the dance. I will pair it with the same shoes as well. Flynn says that Luke is finally going to ask me out. I'm not sure on what I should say. I'm a human and he's a ghost. I know we can touch each other now but it's still not possible.

A few hours later
I finish my dinner and go upstairs. I haven't seen the guys all day. I take a shower and put on some light makeup, I get dressed and wait till midnight

Luke's pov
My heart is pounding. I'm so nervous. Will she say yes? Is she even coming?! Will she hate me forever? All these questions in my head.

I'm wearing a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled  up. I paired it with some dark grey/ black pants and black dress shoes. (A/n the perfect harmony outfit)

I wait outside the garage and suddenly my gaze shifts and I see Julie walking upto me "so it was you" she says with a smile "yup, the one and only" I say and bow, she laughs. "So why'd you call me here?" She asks "I wanna take you somewhere" "ok, but how are we going to get there" she says and i just smirk.

I hold her hand and pull her closer to me. I poof us to an empty ballroom (perfect harmony setting)

"Luke,this is amazing" Julie says "I'm glad you think so, Alex and Reggie helped me set it up" I say and cue Alex and Reggie to start playing the music. I extend my hand for her to take "may I have this dance? " she takes my hand in hers "yes, you may"

We danced together, staring into each other's eyes eventually getting lost in them. I had my hands around her waist while hers around my neck. We made small conversation until I finally decided to tell her.

"I have something to show you" I say and pull a piece of paper (the song) out of my pocket. She gasps "where did you get that?" She asks trying to grab it but I pull my hand away.

"Julie, look...I like you okay? Like a lot and then I really wish that i could make you mine but I know that it wouldn't work out since I'm a ghost and you're a human but you are such an amazing per-" I was cut off by julie kissing me.

The kiss was sweet and passionate. We pulled away breathless "what was that for?" I ask and she just smiles "to get you to shut up" I laugh "Luke, I really like you a lot too" I smile "so, what does this mean?" I ask "I'm not sure" she says.

"Well I'm hoping to find out" I say after a while, she smiles and we share another kiss.

Hey guys
How you doin?
I hope you liked this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it. I had so many ideas on where he could take her but this one was my favorite. Just insert a line somewhere in their conversation where julie says that she dreamt about the same place you know.
Anyways I would really appreciate it you guys gave me some requests. I need ideas people
Till next time
Xoxo 💜💙

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