💔Jealousy 💔

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Julie and Luke have feelings for each other but julie is currently dating nick.
The guys are all alive since its an au

A/n the song in this is written by me hope you like it 🥰


Luke's pov:

It's been a month, a whole fucking month since julie started dating that asshole. I think his name was Rick? Or maybe Dick? Yeah that's what I call him. 

Yeah now you may be wondering why her dating is affecting me so much. Well I'll tell you why. Because I fucking love her!!!

She's been my best friend since 1st grade, we are even in a band together but ever since nick she has been distant. I just miss her being with me. Our late night conversations, our songwriting sessions, our troubling our teachers  and getting detention together. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING WE DID TOGETHER!!!!!!!

But what can I do, She's with nick and they seem pretty happy. Everytime she posts pic they look super happy. I try to ship them but I just - I can't...

I can't until I know that she loves him and not me.

Flynn says she likes me and is only trying to make me jealous but I'm not sure.

Alex and Reggie think that I'm just a broken hearted teenager fighting for his girl (a/n ikik)

I decided to get up and write some songs and I have the perfect idea. I'm gonna write a song telling julie how I feel and perform it for her.

After a couple hours.

I finished my song and I think it's great. Just then Alex and Reggie barge in arguing about whether the siren of the police is ne naw ne naw or we wan we wan.

Sometimes I wonder why am I even friends with them.

"Fine Reggie you win!" Shouts Alex, Reggie did a little dance. What a dumbass.

"So mr. 'I'm not jealous' how are you?" Alex asks I roll, you eyes and say "I'm fine I just finished a song" "oooooo show meeeee" Reggie whined like a baby.

"Nu uh I'm going to perform it tomorrow and then you can see"

"It's about julie isn't it?" Alex smirks "yeah maybe"

The next day

A/n Whereever Luke was performing you guys can imagine

"Please welcome Luke Patterson" the announcer says and I walk onto the stage. Looking around I see Julie, alone and she waves towards me and give me a smile. I wave back and smile at her.

"Simp" I heard Alex say, I roll my eyes and go to the mic.

"Hey everyone, uhh today's song is about a special girl who's present here today, I hope she knows who she is and this song is for her and how I feel" I say and start making eye contact with julie

A/n it's my original song written be my so do tell me how it is.

I say I'm ok
When I'm clearly not
When I see him with you
My stomach turns into a knot

I say I'm good
I say I'm fine
But did you ever look under my hood
To see if I'm OK

I don't even know why (know why know why know why)
But I think I'm gonna cry

Oh I don't even know why (know why know why know why)
But I think I'm gonna die
From jealousy
The thing that I can't control

From jealousy
The thing that has taken over my soul
From jealousy
The wish that you were here with me
Ohh jealousy

I see the way you look at him
I just wish it was me
I see the way you smile at him
It hurts from my head to my knee

I don't even know why (know why know why know why)
But I think I'm gonna cry

Oh I don't even know why (know why know why know why)
But I think I'm gonna die
From jealousy
The thing that I can't control

From jealousy
The thing that has taken over my soul
From jealousy
The wish that you were here with me
Ohh jealousy

I finish the song and see Julie and I both in tears. I walk down from the stage and run behind.

I sat under a tree not knowing what to do, I performed the song and i think she knows it was about her.

"Is this seat taken?" I hear and look up to see Julie. I shrugged and she sits next to me.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" She asks I look down "I didn't know what you would say, I was scared"
"Damn Luke Patterson was scared waow" she says I laugh a little and look at her.

We both were facing each other and a tear fell from my eyes. She placed her hand on my cheek and wiped it away. I leaned into her touch. She put her other hand on top of mine. I took my other hand and put back a strand of her hair behind her ear. We both were staring into each other's eyes, cherishing this moment with nothing needed to be said. I started to lean in and so did she.

Our lips met in a sweet yet passionate kiss. Our lips were moving in perfect harmony and there's nothing more i could ask for. We both slowly pulled back and rested our foreheads against each other.

"Jules?" "Yeah?" "What does this mean?" She smiles and says "it means I'm gonna be Luke Pattersons girlfriend" she says casually.

I was screaming inside!!!!!!! I'll get to call julie mine yessssssssss!!!!!!  Wait what about nick? I mean I don't give a shit but still.

"What about nick?" I asked she sighs and answers "we broke up right before I came here that's why I was alone but even if we hadn't i would've broken up with him anyways" "for me?" I ask

"For you" she answers.
"I love you Julie"
"I love you too Luke"

Hey peoples how's life?
So how did you like this?
Good, bad, average........
Anyways I personally liked this, it was originally going to be luke and Carrie dating but that's pretty common so I thought this would be nice 🙂
Anyhoo till next time


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