Royalty 2

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Part 2 of royalty. This is after their Julie's dad finds out.

"It was prince Lukas of kelvania" I thought.

"Juliette I NEED ANSWERS" My father screams. "It was no one dad, no one left my room last night" I said hoping I could convince him "are you sure? Because if you're lying there could be consequences" " I'm sure dad" I say and swallow a bit "Alright but if something like this ever happens again then you will not here the end of it"

He growls. My dad scares me a lot sometimes. I can't believe I just lied to him. What am I gonna do now. Well for starters I should call Luke and tell him not to come tonight.

*on call*

"Hey beautiful" "Luke this is not the time for that" I whisper yell into the phone. "What's wrong ?" He asked concerned

"My guards saw you leaving my room last night" "shit" "don't worry they didn't see your face but they did tell me dad and he asked me and then-" "Ok calm down and talk slowly"

"Then I lied to him and said that no one was there" I breathe out "Hey it's ok well figure it out" "how?" "I don't know"

"You can't come tonight" "Alright but I'll miss you" "I know me too but we really need to be careful, who knows what our parents will do once they find out" "it's gonna be ok" I sigh

"Alright I'll talk later" "ok bye"

*hangs up*

Next day at school

"I don't know what to do Flynn" I say as I finished telling her about yesterday. How my dad almost found out about my secret relationship.

"Ok uh first of all calm down, second you need to talk to luke and maybe tell your parents" I slam my locker shut "what no way" "Julie come on you're gonna have to sooner or later" "i-uh ugh fine but only if Luke agrees" "that's my girl"  after that we leave

At lunch Luke and I go to the excluded corner to spend time together. So that's where I went. "Hey" I greet him lightly "Hey stranger" he says I put my stuff down and run into his arms and cry. "Hey hey baby whats wrong ?" He asks as if he doesn't know. "Everything's falling apart Luke" I cry "shhhh shh it's ok" he strokes my head.

"Once our parents find out we won't be allowed to see each other anymore and then I'm gonna have to marry some random guy and become queen and-" I was cut off by Luke kissing me "Julie listen to me it's all gonna be ok" I nod "we're gonna figure this out together , I know we will"

I hug him tighter, I feel safe in his arms "I love you" I say barely above a whisper he looks at me "Oh my go-" "I love you too" We both smile and lean in for a kiss. It was sweet.

"We need to come clean to our parents" I said and I could tell this caught him off guard. "What" "you heard it right" "are you sure?" I nodded. "I hope you know the consequences" "I know which is why I have a plan" he smirked. "Ok" "Well I have 2 actually, the first one is that we will tell them about us and how much we love each other and how badly we want all this to end. If they don't understand then" "then what?" "Plan b"

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