Chapter 10 - Mysterious

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Its been a week since Dappy, Faze, Justin and Jake set off on there quest to find Rachel. Gina has noticed Jake missing. The problem has got worse now. Not only is Rachel missing but dappy and fazer could be arrest for child abduction if gina tells the police because Jake is still in the care of the council. Justin on the other hand is now living on his own so he can do what he wants and they cant be arrest for the word trip with Jusitn. Although Gina knows Tulisa still dont no. Tulisa has been just sitting at home all week watching crap daytime tv and hurting her liver with all the alcohol. Who knows where Rachel is and will she ever except who her mam is?

Tulisa P.O.V 

Rachel has been missing to long now but I'm to lost without her to know what to do. Daps and Faze not being around isnt the boggest help either. I dont want to ring Kaye or my mam cause I will end up getting into some fight with them over shit. Gareth and Ny are away at the moment. What the hell can I do. The strangest thing happened today I got a text from some irish number saying ''someone close to me and you need my help''. I havent replyed cuz although I know Rachel is Irish and I have her number which is Irish this number is unknown. Could it be about Rachel? Could it be one of her mates in Ireland who have heard where Rach is? Everything is running wild in my head and I dont no what to text back. I need to man up right now for this person who I am positive knows Rachel. I have decided to grow a pair and reply . 

To Unknown Number 

Who are you? And who needs me? 

From:unknown Number 

Its along story, come to Dublin. This person is related to you. 

To: Unknown number

On way I have booked a flight meet me at Dublin airport at 3pm. 

This is strange. Related to me means it cant be Rach but who ever it is they must be my bloody and I am need so I will have to go. I pack a bag and get the next flight to dublin. 

Meanwhile on the road 

Dappy: Lets pray she is in leeds

Justin: i think its time to give up. She has been missing for weeks

Jake: Rachel was right , that day in maccy d's when she said u changed she was fucking right. The Justin I know would not give up on finding someone like his sister , someone a part of the dumping ground family. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!!

After Jake little rant about how Justin has changed everything was quiet. Faze or Daps didnt want to break the silence and Justin and Jake where to pissed to even talk. 

AT the Dumping Ground 

Gina: Jake has been gone out of my care for a week without anyone out of the care workers noticing. I dont care what you say Amelia I am contacting the police. Rachel going missing was when I should of contacted them but I was a fool now that there is a kid with two men and justin I need to call. I can not have two kids missing. I will be fired. 

Amelia: Gina please just hold back for an hour or so

Gina: You have one hour

Amelia: Everyone meeting Jakes room now 

Tina: Amelia what wrong ? 

Amelia: Gina calling the feds. Rachel going to be locked up and so can Dappy and Fazer. We need to stop Gina. 

Killian: How? 

Max: One of us break a bone, she will be to worried about us in the hostipal she wont even have time for no good feds. 

Killian: You want one of us to hurt ourselves for Jake and Rachel. 

Max: Yes

Amelia: Only option we have Kil. 

Tina: Who then? 

Killian: I know just the person. 

All the care kids walk into Liam's room. Liam has kept himself away from everyone lately because he fancy Rachel but she dont feel the same and he is embarrassed. 

Killian: Liam?

Liam: What dipshit? 

Killian: Oi no need to be mean 


Killian: Break ur finger 


Amelial: He is dead serious Liam we need you to break it for Jake and also Rachel 

Liam: Just cause I fancy Rachel dont mean I will break my finger. Are you lot mad? 

Tina: If we want Gina not to bring the feds into our problem we need her to be distracted and how better than someone who has broken something. Your the man for the job. 

Liam: Ok only for Jake and Rachel. If it was any of you queers I wouldnt. 

The kids have now distracted Gina with a broken finger and gave the others more time. 

In Ireland 

Tulisa P.O.V

To: Unknown Number

I am at the airport where you? 

From: Unknown Number

Coasta ,come over! I am wearing a red hoodie and jeans. 

As I make my way over to Coasta I release I could have myself in a lot of trouble right now. This person could be pretending I have a relative in trouble and just some strange fan who has other ideas. Why did I agree? I cant turn back now!! When I found the person who had been texting me I went over, I think I have alot of guts for doing this. 

Unknown Person: Hi Tulisa, My name is Abby. 

Tulisa: Hi

Abby: Oh ya you must be very confused at the moment. 

Tulisa: Kinda explain please?

Abby: This person I was telling you needs you hates you at the moment. The only problem is I have no way of getting her out of this and I need your help. The doctors found out she is related to you by themselves. I didnt tell anyone and you dont even no. Im really close to the person and she is in alot of pain. She got into a gang fight. 1 v 20. Although she packet a punch on most of them there was too many of them for her to take. She was stabbed and I'm not even sure if you have ever met her. 

Tulisa: Fuck, although i dont no who you are talking about I still feel for her and even more than I would for anyone since you said I am related to them. Can i go see her?

Abby: No need to ask. 

When Tulisa gets to the hostipal she is shocked to see what she finds. 

Tulisa: Abby how is she related to me.

Abby: Your daugther 

Tulisa: You joking? 

Abby: No 

Tulisa: This is my baby girl. 

Tulisa has found her daugther? Who is her daugther? Has this relation stop her from thinking about Rachel? Sorry its sort as I said in the previous chapter I am going away so I am trying to do a few chapters before I go incase I have no wifi for 6 days :(. Thanks for reading, @RJ_Loves_TFB 

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