¦[Crinums, And A Plain Of Bamboo Grass.]¦

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{An Eternal Oath Of Love And Life.}
Act 12.

|[January 12th, 2026. Early Morning.]|

{Earlier in the day...}

It's only been around a week since I met him, and he's done all sorts of things for me. And not just me, the guild too. We've defeated that boss, got our names on the monument, and he even visited me IRL. He's cool... His hair is long-ish and messy, but I kinda like it. He wears glasses, that fits that hair well too. And what I like most, he's still super nice even when he saw who I really am.

He doesn't know how happy that makes me. I always thought that I didn't deserve this much kindness from him, and every time I thank him, he only smiles and says "Don't worry." or, "It's nothing, really."

Being humble can only take you so far though, Shiki also has an odd temper when he's fighting. Usually, he's the type of guy you'll instantly think as chill and composed. But he often loses it and even swears, ouch...

I mean, with all that skill he has in the game, I guess he can't help himself sometimes. I mean, sometimes I do it too. Not too harsh though. Wait, now that I think about it his words aren't actually that bad. Yeah... It's natural, I guess.

I never was the type of girl to hang around boys. I don't hate them, but I never had the chance or will to just approach them. Never did understood why... usually I'm all for the girls, girls, and girls. Maybe girls are way more easy to approach because I'm a girl too? Dunno. 

Hah... it does make your heart skip a beat when you meet someone special. Now... I think I do know what a "special" person is to me, without me even thinking I could ever have one, let alone a boy! 


Anyways, Kirei Shinohara, in-game username: Shiki. I asked Doc Kurahashi about him, and here's what I got:

His American name given by his father (Christopher Schmidt?) is Christian Schmidt. He's born in Sendai, but spent a little portion of his life in America. Gee, I don't know the first thing about foreign countries. He never uses the name for that long, as his father passes away when he was inside the death game, Sword Art Online. That is, right after he developed the final version of the Medicuboid. He died in a car crash in the states, sadly. Shiki never saw his father's face again after surviving SAO...

The fact that it was all true, that we were somehow connected in a way still surprises me to this day. So, Christopher Smith, my bad, Schmidt (Why is is so hard to spell?) made the Medicuboid and a device to help his son walk. (Shiki!)

Shiki suffers from Pediatric Paralysis. I don't really know what that is, but Doc and himself said that one of his body part is completely paralyzed. And that body part is his right leg. He can move it, but he can't feel anything and it wouldn't be able to be used in walking. That's why he always wears that weird boot-like device.

I've never seen him actually wear it though... The first time he walked in here was with crutches, and he couldn't walk then. (Why didn't the device let him walk? A Reboot sounds like a dumb idea to me! Haha, but then again, I'm not the one who built it so who am I to talk?)

He even said that he could get Parkinson's when he grows older. I really hope he doesn't... He's too nice and I hope the world and the doctors does their best in curing him. I know that there's still no hope for me. And that's fine. I still have faith in them, but I have accepted that a long time ago. When sis was still here. I hope and pray for the best for him. 

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