¦[When The Moon's Reaching Out To The Stars...]¦

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{An Eternal Oath Of Love And Life.}
Act 8.

|[January 12th, 2026. Late Evening.]|

The bright skies are slowly dimming as I walked further away from the train station. Somewhere inside Kanagawa, is a small and tight district filled with normal citizen houses scattered around in a large, almost circular shape. The path also goes further upwards, up to the top of wherever this hill is going to.

It's very quiet here... even when I passed the highway just now, I haven't seen another person walking this way. Is this area abandoned? I do still see some cars parked on some of the buildings, mostly big houses that probably act as home factories and such. Yeah, they're using container trucks, makes perfect sense.

The people that live here are sparse, very sparse. There's quite a lot space that's still empty, only the houses I spoke of earlier are the ones that fills up this area. A few small markets here and there was also spotted earlier. At each noticeable landmark that we passed, Yuuki makes a small comment or two, as if she's re-discovering this whole area.

And also because of the little human interaction there is around here, the air is nice and soft. It's still cold, like everywhere else, but it has that soothing feel to it.

I would love to live in a neighborhood like this, if I had a reason to buy a home that is. Although these inclining steps do make a little problem for walkers like me at the moment, I just hope my leg piece don't crumble and fall... I already fell once today and I'm not planning to sit down on Doctor Goro's hourly lecture every time I break this old thing.

Where is this place anyway? We're pretty high up the hill already, and all that we've seen are stray cats and other little animals passing by above us, over at the large walls and fences from the various houses and such. I pay little mind to them, as Yuuki did too, for some reason.

I always thought Yuuki as a animal lover kind of girl, but now... It's just silent. She utters a couple words here and there, yes, but even then... She's just gone quiet. It's sorta unnerving, and anxiety inducing. It feels like... I'm- no, we're going somewhere important, wherever it is.

"So little people..." I utter, still following her instructions.


A small breath was let out,

"I still remember it like the back of my hand, every corner and every pathway I used to take. It's like I'm... dreaming of the past. These exact roads, I used to walk on it. Seeing memories being brought back to life again, even for just a moment, it's so beautiful."

Woah... even her voice just now sounds so... soft. Is this-- how she really is? Not the usual bright and uppity ALO player like I always imagined and saw inside the game, but this kindhearted and thoughtful girl that can barely hold her true feelings once she's opened up to you. I hope... that it's not because of me she's acting like this. But at the same time... I kind of like her like this.

I don't want to see that smile of hers wiped out, just because of these recent events that's surely hard on her, bringing up her past like this. I'll just have to believe in myself that I'm doing the best for her... I always will, even she thinks so.

"Just up there on the corner... the white house on the left."

She uttered, her voice filled with all sorts of emotions. Sadness, happiness, nostalgia? I will never know. A little short hike up the small path, and I guess this is our destination. The small playground to the right has these metal bars around them, so I decided to lean on it to get a good view of the place.

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