{Phantasm, And Bygone Days.} ¦[Once Upon A Time...]¦

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{Phantasm, And Bygone Days.}
Act 1.

{Kirei...? Shiki...? Christopher...?}

"Who are you...?"

"Who are... we?"

"Who am I?"

"We, I, you, they, ask those same exact questions everyday."

"Shinohara Kirei. Christopher Schmidt. Shiki. The Godspeed Tank. The Half-blood Cripple. The Rich Snob Who Lives Through His Parent's Heritage."

"Huh... are there any other ways we can call you by?"

"Call... us, by?"

"I don't remember."

"Although, we have existed far beyond your very birth in this world."

"When the heavens above have carved your soul, and your way, or so you may call your fate, upon this reality."

"We were 'born' when you were merely a speckle of thought, an inkling of a small existent being trying to reach out to life itself."

"When the gates of heaven chimed, and the angels that were tasked upon the delivery of human's souls rushed through,"

"There, we were already watching."

"When your very soul was blown into a vessel, a human body that was sufficient enough for the fate you have been written by, there we awaited."

"For this very moment where your life will be at its peak."


"Surely you still remember, right?"

"Of course you do."

"Do you remember us?"

"Do you... know us?"

"No? Hmm... it seems that you haven't realized yet, that we were always watching."

"You and that girl, the one you love oh so much."

"It seems like her time is nigh."

"Yet you insist in keeping her safe."

"Keeping her happy."

"Doing everything you two ever wanted to limited only by imagination, only to see each other's smiles?"

"How delightful, Christopher Schmidt."

"It seems that you have found love yet again!"


"We haven't forgotten."

"We never forget."

"We were always watching."

"We dictated you. We knew what would, what could, and what could've happened."





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