Chapter 1.1

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1 year later

Y/n was in the city, protecting it as Nightwing. He walked away from a crime scene, stopping when he realized Red Hood was behind him. "Jason." Y/n turned around. "What're you doing here?" "See you've come a long way." Jason said. "I need my gun back." Y/n tossed it back at him, Jason picked it up and removed the revolver's cylinder. "Don't do anything stupid, Wayne." "Taking all the stupid with you, Todd."

Y/n got home and Alfred brought him food while he worked on his gadgets. "I got a call from Jim Gordon, he would like to meet with you. Said he had something for you." Alfred said. "Okay, when are we supposed to meet?" "In an hour." "Dammit Alfred." Y/n cursed, grabbing his jacket and helmet to walk to his bike. "Two days." Y/n said. "He said it was important." Alfred returned.

Y/n walked into Jim's office. "Hey, Gordon." Y/n sat down. "Wayne, how's school going?" "It's not." "You're Nightwing now?" "And if I am?" I asked. He opened his desk, putting a file on it. "A gift. My condolences." Y/n opened the file. "This, they contracted Deathstroke to kill my mother?" Y/n sat forward.

Jim nodded. "The Judas Contract they called it. You'll have my backup if you need it. But I know you'll want this case. Like I said, it's a gift." He explained. "Thank you." Y/n stood up. "Have you heard from Barbara?" Jim asked. "Last I heard she was working a case with Jason and Cassandra." Y/n said. "Tell her to call me next time you see her." "Will do."

Y/n returned to his room, taking a good look at the file. He looked nervous, his hands shaking. Y/n flipped the page, picking up the picture. "Oh god." He sighed, "Joker."

He went to the batcave, straight to the computer. "What are you doing? Who are you looking for?" Bruce walked over. "No, you don't get to ask that." Y/n stood up. "It's been a year. And you've barely talked to me. You've left this city alone, and you left me alone. You don't get to ask me what I'm doing. My father can do that, but he died with my mom." Bruce hung his head as Y/n went to work.

He wasn't looking for the Crowned Prince of Crime yet. He was looking for the Princess, Harley Quinn. He traced police reports, and eventually found a potential location. He looked at it from a vantage point. "This'll be fun. No security. She's on her own." Y/n grappled to the roof. He looked in and saw Quinn. She was on the phone, mumbling worriedly.

The second she hung up, Y/n burst in. "Nightwing." Harley stuttered. "Did you have anything to do with the death of Selima Kyle?!" Y/n deepened his voice, copying his father's. "Of course not, Cat was my friend. I wouldn't do nothin' ta hurt her. That was months ago, why are you askin' questions now?" Harley dodged, clearly scared. "The Joker hired Deathstroke to kill Selina Kyle, where is he!" I yelled.

She backed away, bumping into a wall. I cornered her. "Mr. J'd kill me." She stuttered. "And what makes you think I won't?!" "You're Bat's kid. You have rules." "Not when my mother is involved. Don't make me ask again." I drew an escrima stick from my back. I could practically smell Harley's fear. Jason told me why the eyes were red when he gave me the suit.


Jason opened the case, and a red light emitted from it, lighting up my face. "Why the red eyes?" I asked. "So the last thing he sees are the eyes of the devil. The eyes of Nightwing."


The mask worked. Harley opened her mouth to speak, but barking behind me interrupted her. I turned, her hyenas rushed me. "Get 'em Bud. Go Lou." I wasn't keen on hitting animals, but I had to. I punched one, and the other lunged at me. I bared it with my arm, the animal's teeth sinking into my arm, breaking past the fabric. 'I need armored gauntlets.' I thought, throwing the dog off.

The hyenas were down, I looked and saw Harley running away. I threw one of my escrima sticks at her feet, causing her to fall as the stick returned to my hand. I put it on my back with the other and walked towards Quinn. She tried to hit me with her bat, I caught it, breaking it over my knee. "I told you not to make me ask again." I said. "He's at a penthouse in Chinatown! The tall one, top story!" Harley stuttered.

I relaxed, and she did, too. Catching her breath. "I'm sorry, Harley. I just want Joker. I know you loved my mom, too. I can't control my anger." I said. "I hope you don't get yourself killed. The last thing she'd want for you is this life. She'd want a normal life for you, not one where you're a killer." Harley said. "I know." I said and I turned, walking away. "I'm sorry," She spoke. I looked back at her,. "I'm sorry for what I did to ya' all those years ago." "I don't forgive you." I said and I left, Harley tending to her hyenas.

My next stop was the penthouse. I looked into the window from an adjacent rooftop. I saw Joker in there, talking to his henchman. Without thinking, when Joker left I burst in, being met by two dozen thugs. "Shit." I began to fight them off, until the last guy standing was a brute. I raised my sticks ready for a fight, but he passed out from exhaustion and preemptive injuries. I couldn't help but laugh.

The door opened and Joker walked in, gun raised. He shot at me and I dodged, rushing him. I kicked him into the air, I jumped, using my momentum to spin and roundhouse Joker. He fell against the wall, spitting up blood. "Harley sold me out didn't she?" Joker asked. "You just suck at hiding." I said with a smile. "You know, kid, you're good, I'll give you that. But you're not the original boy wonder. Even the second Robin was better than you."

Joker pulled out a crowbar as he monologued, patting his hand with it. "I think I'll try out some tricks I used on version two." Joker raises his hand to hit me. I blocked the bar, flipping back. Joker backed me up to the edge of the window I entered in. He hit me in the face, knocking me over the edge. I fell into a pool at the bottom of the building.

I looked up, and Joker was gone. "Damn it." I hit the water.

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