Chapter 2.1

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            I went to bed, but when I woke up I was lying on concrete. It was cold and I was wearing the Robin suit. My feet were bare, and I felt a gap on my eye mask. I was also tied up. I heard the sharp clicks of dress shoes approach. Joker stood over me, a crowbar in his hand.

He began to hit me over and over. "That's all you got?" I asked and he hit me again, dropping his smile for a brief second. He hit me everywhere. The torso, and the head. "What hurts more? One?" Crunch. "Two?" Crunch. "Forehand." Crunch. "Backhand." He hit me over and over. I was disoriented. He mumbled but my ears were ringing too much to hear. Then he left out a door. I pushed myself to my knees, but I was too weak and fell.

I tried to crawl to the door. I lifted my hand to the handell but it was locked. I heard a ticking and looked to the source. "Oh no."


I woke up sweating. "It wasn't real. That was Jason's story. It's the crowbar." I told myself as I stood out of bed. I walked out of my room to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and got a snack. I sat on the counter.

I was sitting in the batcave, at the computer. I watched dad's video analysis on Joker. "My arch nemesis, The Joker. The crown prince of crime. No ID. He's a madman, and a murderer. He's hurt many, including Barbara and Jason most notably out of the countless fights we've had." I scrolled through, needing the important stuff. "His biggest weakness is his ego. His obsession with me. To beat him I need to make him seem small. Less than he is." Dad monologued.

I turned it off. "No." I saw the man himself standing there with a disapproving glare. "You can't stop me." I said. "I can't let you." I heard his heavy footsteps approach, and I rolled to the side. Dad stopped. "You've lost your touch." I said. "You weren't the only one grieving your mother." Dad punched me. His fist collided with my face.

My patience broke and I punched dad back. I hit him again and again, until he fell to his knees. "I'm doing what you won't. After Jason? Barbara? He's kidnapped every single one of us and tortured us." I pleaded. Dad moved swiftly, kicking my legs from beneath me. He started to pummel me.

3rd Person POV

Two motorcycles were driving down an empty road by the forest. They were headed for Wayne Manor. "Sure you aren't gonna head over?" Cass asked. "I have to say hi to my dad. I'll be over soon." Barbara said on the other line. The com line ended and Jason pulled his bike forward. "Race you back." "You're on, Todd."

They pulled into the batcave. Jason set his helmet on his bike as the two got off and began walking. "Let's grab Y/n and get a bite to eat." Jason said. "Shut up." "I know he's an acquired taste, but he's not as bad as Damian..." Jason stopped, looking at a confused Cass. "What is it, Cass?" "Do you hear that?" She asked. A grunt could be heard. The two ran towards the noise.

They saw a sight they never thought they'd see. Bruce Wayne pinning his son Y/n to the ground, pommeling him. "Get Bruce." Jason said. Cassandra darted forward and tackled Bruce, Jason tending to his brother. He helped the boy up, and Y/n stood weak. "You okay, bud?" "Fine." Y/n answered, setting his broken nose.

Alfred walked in. "Oh dear, it seems I missed the party." Bruce stood up, being scolded by Cassandra. "Don't walk away from me!" Bruce yelled, the son of the bat stopped in his tracks. "You walked away from me! I needed my dad, and you abandoned me! For a year!" Y/n yelled back. "I won't lose you too, Y/n." "You already did. Goodbye Bruce."

Y/n walked away, being stopped by Jason. "Move." "Don't run." "I'm not." Y/n pushed past Jason. Bruce tried to follow, but Cassandra stopped him. "You've done enough." It was silent for a few seconds. "Leave him alone. He's doing everyone a favor." Cass left. "By getting himself killed." "By doing what you should have done the moment I died." Jason walked after Cass.

He was in his room when he realized what he was missing.


Y/n walked away, being stopped by Jason. "Move." "Don't run." "I'm not." Y/n pushed past Jason. But what Jason didn't notice is Y/n slipping a gun from Jason's holster. Y/n walked away, tucking the gun in the front of his belt. He saw Cass and Jason's bikes, and took Jason's.


Jason sighed as he took off his jacket. "Good luck kid." Cass could be seen at the door, drinking from a mug. "You suck."

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