Chapter 5.2

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    In the tower, Y/n sat in his room, looking at a photo of him and Rachel at the carnival. "I won't lose you. I've lost too many people already." He mumbled, sitting on his bed. "Y/n, get down here. Cyborg is waking up." Kory said on comms. Y/n set the photo on his bed, grabbing his mask and putting it on.

Jaime, Gar, Y/n and Kory stood over Cyborg as he woke up. "Think he's back online." Jaime said. "Holy crap!" Cyborg bolted upright. "Did that sound demonic to anyone else?" Gar asked. "A little." Jaime agreed. "The things it made me see." Cyborg looked over at Kory, who kneeled down to his level. "Cyborg, how do we save Raven?" "I... I don't think you can."

Cyborg saw Batman on the opposite couch. "Oh, no. How bad is he?" Cyborg questioned. "He's been out for 24 hours. He sacrificed himself, risked death to give us a fighting chance at life." Y/n explained. "Which is more than I can say for the rest of the league." "Y/n, now isn't the time to squabble. We have to get Raven back." Kory scolded. "We don't even know where she is." Jaime argued.

Y/n pulled out a device, looking at red dots on a map. "She's in the middle east, 60 miles north of Kahndaq City." "How do you..." Gar questioned. "I put a tracer on her." Y/n replied. "When?" "About thirty seconds after we met, at the same time I put one on each of you." Y/n explained. "Cyborg, you have the ability to manifest boom tubes, do you not?" Kory asked. "Yeah, I can boom us there. But you guys barely held your own against Flash and Wonder Woman. And that's without Superman being on deck." Cyborg explained.

Y/n cut through the silence. "He shouldn't be a problem." Y/n walked away. "Yeah, right, like you got a way to take out Superman." Gar joked as Y/n smiled back at him before leaving. "Oh my god, I think he does."

In Kahndaq, Raven was still powering the rings. Superman, Flash and Wonder Woman looked to the sky as the boom tube opened. Cyborg, Blue Beetle and Starfire flew down, opening fire as CS charged. "You heard the plan. Titans, go!" Kory yelled, opening fire. Superman dodged and weaved through the fire, remaining unscathed. The three flew past Superman, as Beast Boy flew down in the shape of a giant bird, holding Nightwing.

Nightwing went straight towards Superman on release, pulling out his weapon. Nightwing jammed the kryptonite into Superman's side, causing the two to fall to the ground. Nightwing twisted the rock, causing the demon to leave, but the ground wasn't getting farther away. They collided, Superman released his protective grasp on Nightwing. "You mind removing that?" Clark groaned as Y/n sat back, tucking the kryptonite into a pouch on his belt. "What?" Y/n asked, Clark smiled slightly before standing up.

Kory and the others flew over. "Y/n!" She asked worriedly. "Starfire?" Superman asked. "You okayed this?" "Yes." Kory responded. "Good call." Clark responded, softening his demeanor, as Kory looked to his fresh stab wound. "It's okay, it's healing." Clark put his hand over the wound. A scream interrupted their conversation.

They walked to the top of the crater to see a giant ring hovering horizontally in the air. A second ring vertically around it glowing with purple energy that sparked off to the sides. And at the center of it was another smaller ring, with Rachel in the middle of the flying contraption. Rachel screamed in pain, her skin demonic red in color. Superman noticed The Corrupted Flash running at them. "I've got Flash, the rest of you get Raven off that thing." Superman ordered.

Jaime, Kory and Victor flew off, Gar transforming into a horse, taking Y/n on his back. Superman stood, waiting for Barry to attack. He used his freeze breath to knock Barry over. Superman punched down on Flash, only for him to speed away. The Flash moved at superspeed, as Superman watched, trying to punch. Flash sped in and punched Superman over and over.

CF circled Superman, who stood still formulating his plan. "Barry, if you can hear me in there, sorry." Superman said, jumping up, bringing his foot down on Flash's leg, snapping the bone. Barry fell, the demon spirit that corrupted him exorcizing from his body. "How long will it take you to heal?" Superman asked, as Barry looked at his leg. "Ah, oh, my god, an hour? Also, seriously?" Barry asked. "You've got ten minutes." Clark responded.

He turned as Diana charged him. She kicked him away, lunging at him again as Clark blocked. They traded blows, but it was an almost even match. Superman caught both of her fists, and Diana kicked off his chest. She kicked a chunk from a stone pillar and threw it at Superman, who punched it into pieces. He flew at her, grappling for power, only for Diana to throw him off. He was holding back, but she wasn't.

They stood, no one making a move. "Your power is no match for that of Trigon, Kryptonian." Diana said. "She doesn't belong to you, Devil." Clark commented as Diana charged. He drew the golden lasso from his belt, wrapping it around Diana. She tried to fly away, only to be held back, eventually hitting the ground. "Let me go, you alien filth." She swore, as Clark dragged her over. "You sicken me. I never cared. I never loved you." Diana tried to cut the Man of Steel with her words. "Who are you?" Clark questioned. "I am corruption incarnate, you piece of-"

She stood up, feeling the lasso tear down at her. "The lasso commands you answer." Superman said, Diana falling on her face as she struggled. "I-I-" She stood up, struggling against it. "I am Diana of Themyscira." She proclaimed, the spirit leaving her. She fell to her knees, her skin's normal color returning. Clark caught her as she fell. "It's okay. I've got you now." Clark said, placing his hand on her face. She put her hand over his. "Just like in the movies." Diana smiled.

The ritual's rings caught their attention. The outer energy ring expanded, and then collapsed around Rachel. It drilled into the stone platform beneath her, the beam of energy thinning until it was no more. Rachel fell to the ground, Kory catching her and bringing her to the ground as the others arrived. Y/n hopped off of Horse Gar's back. He walked over to Rachel, who stood up, collapsing yet again into his chest. "You all right?" Victor asked.

Y/n wrapped his arms around Rachel as she was too weak to stand on her own. "Nothing is right." Rachel said. The hole in the ground from the energy expanded as the whole platform began to collapse quickly. "Run!" Kory exclaimed as Nightwing took Raven into his arms, carrying her away as she leaned into his shoulder. They made it to the bottom of the stairs as fire erupted from the platform.

The fire turned to be what was in place of Trigon's hair as his massive body ascended from the ground, fire on his shoulders and head as red lighting crackled along his body. Black runic tattoos ran along his chest. The group stopped when they were safe, Y/n still holding Rachel in his arms as they watched Trigon return. He set her down, allowing her to watch her father's massive form erupt from the ground.

The lightning and flames ceased, his eyes began to glow demonic red, all four of them. "Well, this sucks." Jaime commented. Trigon's horns grew longer, as Diana and Clark watched. "Great Hera." Diana swore as Trigon lowered to the ground, creating a shockwave as he landed. The dust blew towards the Titans. He began to walk past the Titans and towards his goal. "He'll bring hell on earth." Rachel warned. "How do we stop him?" Victor asked. "There's only one way."

Rachel bowed her head. "You're going to put him back in the crystal." Y/n realized. "In the unlikely event that I can make it there." Rachel said. "He's headed for the city." Superman said to Barry as he recovered, standing up. "Superman, Raven has a plan." Cyborg comed in as Rachel opened a portal behind him. "The Titans need my help." He said. "I'm going to hell."

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