Chapter 5.3

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    At the bottom of the tower, the Titans deployed. Kory flew forward, followed by Jason's bike. Eagle Gar, Rachel, Jaime and Tara all flew after them. They made it inland and moved through a building. "Careful. Watch your spacing."

Kory guided them, flying at the helm of the group. She stopped by a brick wall, looking around it to see a large warehouse type lab. A ways away a man in white robes stood near a bright monitor. Whatever it was he was working on, it was 100% finished. "Any idea what that gizmo is?"

Gar was in mouse form, sitting on Jason's shoulder as he peeked around the corner. "Nothing good." Jason replied as a button was pressed. "He's deleting. I vote we stop that." Rachel said. "That makes two of us." Jaime added, and the bug was in, too: "Okay, three."

The scientist flinched as a blast from Starfire narrowly missed him. "Step away from the computer. You won't be hurt." Kory ordered, and he turned, seeing the Teen Titans. And instead of listening, he hit a button and a buzzer sounded.

Panels on the wall opened and spat out drones. As the Titans scattered, the scientist ran to his desk and started to shove files into his briefcase, and he initiated a self-destruct on the computers. Jason and Gar ran between crates as the ball shaped drones fired at them.

Gar jumped from wall to wall, morphing into an animal and smashing the droids beneath his feet. More came, and he rolled as an armadillo, morphing into a gorilla and smashing them.

Terra had no cover, so she decided to make some by shooting out walls of rock. Then she swung a boulder around, crashing into the three drones firing on her. Beetle used her cover, too. He rolled as more drones came for a fly by, flying into the air and returning his own fire.

He landed on a catwalk in the air, and aimed at two more drones. But Starfire caught them and smashed them on the wall. She turned around, seeing the scientist disappear around a corner. "Go after him. I'll cover you." Rachel took the order, flying after the robed man as Kory blasted more robots.

The scientist ran down a sidewalk, not realizing who he had following him. She shut her eyes, and then they suddenly began to glow purple as Rachel looked towards her target.

Inside, three more droids were firing on Tara and Gar. They ran between crates as Tara gave them some cover. "We should have stayed at the party." Gar said, but he was interrupted by a batarang flying at the droids. "Quit complaining." Red Hood ran past, jumping off the rocks Terra had made and shooting through the remaining two drones at point blank range.

The three of them ran through the warehouse as Jaime gave cover fire from the catwalks. But more droids came. "Uh oh." An explosion could be seen from outside as Jaime landed in the street, bouncing to his feet. He looked up, seeing three drones targeting him. "Oh, you wanna play?"

Two cannons rose from his shoulders and incinerated the droids. The rest of the Titans were outside, watching as the blast died down. "That's it?" Tara asked, "Lame." Rachel approached, holding energy blades around the scientist's neck, both oblivious to one of the drones that survived turning on the ground. "What do you wanna ask him first?"

A gunshot rang out and a hole was ripped through the robed man's chest. Jaime managed to return the blast before anyone else was hurt. Slade Wilson had targeted the shot, and he watched as the drone's camera turned to static.

The Titans stood there, looking at the smoking hole in the scientist's back. "Bad luck for him," Jaime said. "At least it wasn't one of us." Kory kneeled down, grabbing a photo from the spilled contents of the man's case. "Yes. Bad luck. That we couldn't speak with him about these."

She held candid photos of the Titans. Red Hood on his bike in an old costume, Y/n and Rachel at the carnival last year, all of them there. "Maybe he was a fan?" Gar questioned. Nobody noticed how Tara looked away. But these photos were from last year.

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