Chapter 1.3

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    A fortress stood near a cliff. The full moon illuminated the ground as soldiers in yellow armor patrolled. Inside, a truck was being loaded with some kind of boxes. One of the soldiers was wheeling a crate on a dolley. He stumbled and it fell forward. "Careful you fool," A voice boomed.

In a control room a man in red robes stood, wearing round glasses. "This equipment is worth more than your lives. The control room had several of these robed figures working at computers. On the second tier, a single woman stood.

Her computer beeped and she looked down at it. An Incoming message. "What?" She asked with disdain, answering it. The caller ID photo was a dark picture of a man in armor. "The titans will be there in less than a minute."

His voice was gruff, and sarcastic almost. The woman looked up at the security monitors, examining the camera feeds. "I see no signs of that." She denied. "Believe," The man said, "don't believe, your choice." He hung up, leaving the woman to ponder the possibility of the titans being there.

And the man was right, because currently two soldiers were patrolling the bottom of the cliff on discs the shape of hexagons, hovering above the rocky ground. There was a small ravine in the canyon, and from it sprouted two hands. The gloved hands grabbed the disc, throwing one of the men to the ground. Starfire landed on him, throwing her knee into his body to knock the soldier out.

The Red Hood stood from the ravine, the disc in hand. He spun, throwing the disc at the other soldier as he sped away. The armored man turned, just as the speeder hit him in the face.

Starfire held her hand up, a gleen flame glowing around it. The younger titans were looking down the path towards them. Terra was lower, away from the rest of the group. On the left, Beast Boy held his phone. Above him, Nightwing crouched in his red suit, his red eyes glowing in the night.

To the other side Blue Beetle sat in his scarab's armor. Across from Beast Boy, Raven crouched behind a rock. "They're ready." Jaime said. "They're slow." Nightwing returned, running forward. Gar looked up from his phone, "I hardly had time to answer a post."

Jaime, Rachel, Jason, Kory, Tara, and Y/n stood against the cliff as Gar flew over in the form of a green owl, landing next to Y/n. Jason looked up the cliff. He wasn't wearing his helmet, just a red domino mask with white eyes. "It's a tough climb, especially in this moonlight." "Hood," Kory said. "They're bound to spot us." Jason continued. "Red Hood-" "If we wait for those clouds. "Jason!"

He looked down at Kory. "What?" "Terra is taking us up there." "She is?" "Yeah," Terra answered. "I do all the dirty work around here." She walked to a place where what looked like a large boulder was cut from the cliff. She put her hands forward as they were encircled by yellow energy.

The rocks broke, and a cave was created. "Going up." Terra pointed inside with her thumb. "You've been gone a long time, cowboy." Rachel said as she passed Jason, patting him on the shoulder. Y/n came up next to him after Rachel left. "I don't like it either."

The Titans filed into the cave, and Terra shut the rocks behind them. They were plunged into darkness, and all that could be seen were the glowing red eyes of Y/n's mask. "Is that a demon?" Gar questioned. "It's just me," Y/n said. "Same difference." Jason added. "Focus."

Kory chastised them as she held her hand up in a green flame, providing them with light. The titans looked around, they were in a tunnel of rock, and Terra was using her powers to lift their platform up like an elevator. She was struggling, trying to keep her hold.

The scarab perked up, making noises. "Quiet down," Jaime ordered, turning to his back. "The bug's nervous." "I'm not feeling too good about this myself." Rachel said to his right. "How come you're so calm?" She asked Gar. "You've never been a gopher."

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