Chapter 1.4

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    Titans tower stood in ruin. An african american teen boy wearing the suit of a speedster lay dead in the rubble. A girl wearing a bee costume and wings lay in a pool of her own blood. And Starfire lay face down on the concrete. Her legs were torn off and her guts had spilled onto the dust.

A man hit the ground and a giant red monster landed on top of him. Superboy flew into the air, using his heat vision to fight off the paradooms. Raven was arial, using her magic to fend off the monsters, too. Nightwing ran at a paradoom, his sword at the ready. But the monster side stepped and threw Nightwing away, towards the water. Y/n pushed himself up, looking at his death approaching him.

Until his savior, dressed in a red domino mask and a leather jacket, jumped onto the Paradoom's back. The monster grabbed the Red Hood and threw him to the concrete in front of Nightwing. Red Hood gasped for air, only to be met with a blade piercing his chest. The Paradoom lifted Red Hood up by the blade and threw him to the ground.

Nightwing looked on as the paradoom faced him. And he was frozen as the monster knocked him into the water. Nightwing froze, embracing the water. Part of him was fighting, holding his breath so he could swim to the surface. But the other part was ready to give up. Let the water fill his lungs, and let death take him. He'd fought long enough, seen enough evil, done enough evil. Cass getting her throat slit, Jason's death at the hands of Joker, Dick's death. Barbara's injury, his mother's death. He couldn't even get his relationship with Rachel straight.

Y/n felt himself sinking lower and lower, and the deeper he sank the weaker grip he had on life. Fight. It was a small voice in the back of his head, growing louder as he sank. The pressure alone was hurting his head. Fight, damn it! You've come too damn far to die here! After everything! You can still fight! People still need saving! Your family needs you! Don't you dare let go! You need to FIGHT! The voice wasn't asking, or pleading. It was commanding, forcing his muscles to move, his legs to start kicking, his lungs to hold on a bit longer. FIGHT, DAMN IT!

A hand burst through the water, grabbing a concrete ledge and pulling himself up. He collapsed onto the concrete, coughing up water. Y/n grabbed his sword, forcing himself to his feet. He raised his guard, only to see the battle had been lost and the paradooms had left the wreckage here.

Y/n took his mask off, as he walked through the area. He heard a groan of pain and helplessness. And he ran towards it, seeing Jason on the ground, in shock. "Jason."

"Y/n?" Jason asked in pain as Y/n propped his brother up on his knees, Jason grabbing Y/n's arms for support.

"Don't die, please."

"Ah, been there, done that. It'll be okay."

"Don't lie to me," Y/n cried.

"I'm scared, Y/n. I don't know where I'm going. I'm scared. You can't let yourself go. You have to stay strong, the world is depending on it. Remember, justice not vengeance." Jason told his brother, both of them in tears. "Th-"

Jason began to cough up blood, and it spilled from his mouth, falling down his cheek. "Thank you for being my friend." Jason said weakly, finally telling his brother how much he meant to him.

Y/n felt as Jason's hand fell from his arm. "No, no, no." Y/n mumbled panicked. "Please, Jason. Come on, Jason. Wake up. Why aren't you- Wake Up, Damn It!" Y/n yelled, shaking his brother. "NO!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Y/n stepped back, seeing his dead brother. And he felt arms on his shoulder. Y/n turned, seeing Rachel standing in front of him. And she took him into her arms, letting him cry into her shoulder. No words were exchanged, nothing need be said.

Son Of The Bat (Son of Batman Reader x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now