Chapter 4.3

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    Deathstroke sat in a large control room, looking at a monitor that spanned the length of the wall. His mask was pulled up, and an eye patch covered his right eye. The one that Y/n gouged out. Slade saw the camera footage shift, recording the room he was in, as it finally focused on him. "What are you doing?"

He turned to Tara behind him, dressed in a pink dress, one strap falling over her shoulder. She had a ridiculous amount of makeup on, and her shoulders swung the same way models do on runways. She wrapped her arms around Slate. "Don't. You can't run over here at the first sign of trouble."

Tara pulled back slightly, before tightening her grip as she spoke, "I was losing it. I had to see you." "Luckily taking Nightwing out works. Grabs a handful. Best to get him out of the way." "He was suspicious. Always is. It's the trust and abandonment issues."

Slade grabbed some things from a table to his left before turning back to Tara. "Didn't say he was stupid. He managed to learn how to fight from video recordings of Batman. He damaged the camera lens." "Greenie was asking for it."

Tara reached into her right eye and pulled out a contact lens, putting it on the table behind her. "It's taken a year to get the information I need to defeat the Titans. Could've ruined everything. Stay still." He opened Tara's eye and placed a new lens in.

Except the shape reminded her of the gun barrel. She was back there, the man pointing a gun at her, the people cheering for her death. "Kill the witch!" The man looked at her, a smug smile on his lips as he pulled back the hammer of the gun. And tears began to fall down young Tara's place.

The trigger began to slowly move back, and Tara turned away, whining in fear. And a sharp metallic sound sliced through the air as blood splattered onto her face, and the man's head flew the ground behind her own. She opened her eyes, as his headless body fell next to her. She looked up to see a warrior in orange and black armor.

He held his bloody sword out to the crowd. "Leave or die. Your choice." And everyone scattered as he swiped the blood from his blade. "Tara Markov? I heard you're a special girl. Is that true? My name is Slade." Her vision went white and she heard the current Slade, "Looks like I got it."

He finished putting the lens in. "Not yet, you haven't," Tara smiled. "But you could." She put her hands around his neck and tried to kiss him, but Slade pushed her back to the ground. "We discussed this." "I'm not a kid. You said we'd be together." "Not yet. The contract is everything. We need total concentration for it. You know it's taken a lot of work to get here. Especially by you."

He tried to touch her, but she pushed his hand away, walking from him. "I don't wanna go back. The Titans are always acting like they care so much. It messes with my head." "Just a little longer, Tara. With the money from Blood we'll form our own League of Assassins. You and I. Together in every way."

Her stern look softened into a smile and she leaned her head into Slade's chest. And she was oblivious to the fact that he was probably using her.

Across the city, Jason was helping Kory move in. "I didn't see you bringing quite so many weapons to your new place. It's awesome." Jason spoke, holding a double bladed ax and a sai. He put them on the wall, along with some other weapons. Until he looked back and noticed Kory's sad expression. "Is something up?"

She grabbed a few more books from one box. "After the incident at the training field you met with other members of the team without me." "Yeah, we talk. But it wasn't a meeting. I wasn't trying to undermine you. You're the leader." "They went to you. You were... Are a great leader. So, they instinctively look to you, now that you're here. After all, I'm not even from your world."

Jason walked forward a bit. "You were chosen by the team to lead them. You remind me a lot of Dick." "Look, I'm sorry about that. And I'm sorry me being here probably doesn't help. But I'm just trying to do my best for Y/n." His phone went off. "Speaking of. 'Flying solo'." Jason read.

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