Chapter 6.3

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    The center Jaime spoke of was on a city corner. A brick building titled 'Gabrielle's Horn'. Inside, Jaime kicked open a door, carrying grocery bags. He put two dishes in the oven, talking on his phone. "Yeah, I got them all in. Hey, I know I'm a noob, but I got this. See you when you get here, Traci."

He sat down on a chair at the table, hanging up the phone and picking up a newspaper. He had a bit of time to pass while waiting for the food to cook.

In another part of town, MetroCon was happening. Gar opened the door, excitedly announcing his presence. "The guest of honor with a million followers is... uh, here?" He opened his eyes, seeing the empty room. There were rows of chairs, like a theater. On the stage was a table with two chairs and a white backdrop.

Gar walked forward. "Hello? Kevin?" He sat at the table, seeing a big red button and a sign that said 'DO NOT PRESS!'. "Other guy?" His watch beeped, letting him know it was supposed to be happening now. Gar sat down, intrigued by the forbidden red button. And as he looked at it, a smile crept onto his face.

At Kory's apartment, she was busy cooking. "I think we should look over the files again this afternoon, to make sure we didn't miss anything." She was pulled from thought when whatever she was cooking on the stove caught fire.

Jason was on the other side of the line, riding his motorcycle in a brown leather jacket. The one he first used as Red Hood. "Sure thing. And per your orders, I'll check on Jaime and Gar." Kory was having trouble, as more culinary disasters happened. "You don't have to do that, but thanks. By the way-"

She grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the flames. It just so happened to be conveniently located near the stove, as if she knew this was a possibility. "I was planning on having lunch ready for our meeting to go over the files. But the warlords of Okaara didn't teach me anything about cooking. I think you should pick something up on the way over." "See you soon, then."

Kory looked defeatedly at the mess before the doorbell rang. She looked through the peephole to see an empty hallway. Kory cracked the door to get a better look, and only saw a present on the ground.

It was wrapped in white paper, with a purple ribbon. And the note read: from Jason with Love. Kory looked at it, a smile pushing at her face. She wanted to keep things platonic, but if this was what Jason wanted... then she wouldn't have trouble hiding her feelings anymore.

Speaking of, Jason pulled up to the front of the center, finding six people outside. He walked through the crowd, right up to a red headed teen girl near the door. "What's going on?" "Not sure. It should be open. We got a new guy."

Jason's eyes widened and next thing you know, he's on the roof looking for that entrance. The door is locked, but if his gut was right, and it normally was... he kicked the door in.

The kitchen was a mess. The oven was smoking, the fire alarm was going off and the newspaper lay burnt on the ground. "Jaime?" Jason made it into the room, looking around. "Jaime!" He opened the oven, finding the two dishes burnt to a crisp. He noticed a cord on the ground leading through a cracked door and decided to investigate.

Inside, there were three car batteries, jumper cables and a detonator type switch. They were all rigged to that chair Jaime sat in, the newspaper burnt on the floor in front of it. Jason looked under the chair and found a hexagon shaped device, hooked to the batteries and the metal of the chair. There was a logo on it, of a yellow 'H'.

And Jason's eyes narrowed, coming to a mental image of what happened. Somebody hid in that closet, waited till Jaime sat down and fried him. And then they took his body. Jason got on his bike, speeding through traffic. "Titans, Blue Beetle has been taken. Gather at the tower."

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