Chapter 8.0

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    Selina walked into Y/n's room with his favorite drinks and candy. She wanted to watch a movie, try to make amends. There was no answer when she knocked so she opened the door. The window was open and Y/n's bed was empty. She found a letter on his nightstand and she opened it, reading in her son's voice. "Hi, Mom. I know I'm not the son you've always wanted. Or the fighter Gotham needs. But I just need time. I need to find myself, and learn somewhere I'm shown no mercy. Somewhere I have to fight to survive. So I'm going to Gotham. Don't try to find me, please. I'll come back when I'm ready, but this is something I have to do for me. With Love, Y/n."

Weeks had passed since Y/n's accident, since he left. About a month. Y/n Wayne walked into a large room. He wore tattered clothes, a pair of jeans, a gray hoodie and black jacket. The room was a large homeless shelter for street kids. Y/n sat down on a beanbag on the floor, next to two other kids.

A boy maybe a few years younger than him and the boy's older sister. "I found a place. There's a market nearby, and a soup kitchen. I already set it up, but we have to go." Y/n said, looking at the kids. "What if Maroni's nephew finds us?" The girl asked. "Don't worry about it. He's my problem. But we have to get going. We don't want to be out late and risk Batman or the cops. Let alone the thugs, so come on. Pack your things."

    Y/n opened the door into an alley. He was limping on his right leg slightly. "Okay, come on." He said, adjusting the straps of his backpack. They began to walk through the alleys, and Y/n guided them across the street. "Okay, come on." "I'm tired. How far is it?" The boy asked, holding his sister's hand. "Not far. We'll get there soon. Just hold on for me." He said, ducking into an alley as a cop car rolled by. "They're here." The girl was worried. "You never said the cops were after you." Y/n said.

    She looked at him. "Let's just get there. I'll explain later." She said and they continued. "Come on, we need to keep moving." Y/n ordered. "Hey!" A man walked into the alley, accompanied by another goon. Y/n turned around and tried to go out the other way, but two thugs walked in. "Those kids are coming with me." Y/n turned to the man, recognizing him as Maroni's nephew. "That's him." The girl cried out. "Get up the fire escape, wait for me." Y/n ordered.

    One of the thugs began to laugh. "Look at this kid. He thinks he can take us." "Wanna find out?" Y/n asked, grabbing a pipe from the wall. The thugs approached and Y/n used his improvised weapon to hit one in the face. He swung his pipe around to slam into another thug. Y/n punched the leader in the nose. He fell back and Y/n hit the first guy with a wide swing in the face. He kept his momentum and hit it on another guy's face.

    The first guy was knocked out, the second swung at Y/n. He sidestepped and grabbed that guy's arm. Y/n twisted it behind his back and pulled, dislocating his shoulder. The guy screamed and Y/n kicked him into the wall, finishing him off. "Hey!"

    Y/n turned and saw the leader, Maroni's nephew pointing a gun at him. Y/n dodged to the side, throwing his weapon at the man as he fired. Maroni's nephew screamed, the blade stuck in his chest and the gun dropping. Y/n grabbed the gun and pistol whipped him, knocking him out. He knelt down and searched his pockets, finding a wad of cash, maybe a few hundred.

    Y/n stood up, looking around. "There were four." He realized. At that exact moment a scream was heard on the roof and Y/n limped to the fire escape, climbing as fast as he could.

    On the roof, one of the thugs was walking towards the kids. The girl put her brother behind her back, inching away from the man. And inching closer to the edge of the building. A gunshot rang out and blood shot from the man's head. He fell over the ledge, taking the young boy with him.

    A hand reached out over the side of the building, grabbing the young boy by his arm. "Help!" The boy yelled, tears streaming down his face. Y/n slowly pulled the boy up to the edge of the roof. The boy ran at his sister so fast he knocked her to the gravel floor of the roof as Y/n lay near the edge in exhaustion. "You killed that man." The girl said, looking at Y/n.

    He got to his feet, in front of the girl. "We have to keep moving. It's just across these rooftops." Y/n said, he grabbed the gun as the two siblings began to walk.

    They made it to the safehouse. It was a small one room place. But it had two cots, blankets, food, and water. Right now, the little boy was sleeping. "Why did you kill him?" The girl asked. "You don't understand. Gotham is terrible. Sometimes you have to do what it takes to survive, no matter what it takes. Now tell me why the cops are after you." Y/n said as the girl sighed, "Our parents were killed by Maroni's nephew. We ran, I took my brother. And I broke into a convenience store, stole some food and swiped some cash. An officer chased after me and I kicked him so we could escape. I was only trying to help me and my brother."

    Y/n placed his hand on her shoulder, calming her from her panic. "I understand. Just lay low for a bit." "Why are you helping us?" She asked. "My mom knew your mom when they were kids. They grew up on the street together. And it's the right thing to do. Listen, I grabbed his cash. A few hundred here, use it sparingly." Y/n said, handing the money over. "Food, clothes. And you're gonna need protection." He held the gun, holding it so the barrel was pointed down and the grip was in her direction. "No, I can't."

    Y/n put it in her hands. "It's only for protection." "It's heavy." "You have nine bullets left. Make sure you grab it with both hands and squeeze the trigger all the way back until it won't go farther. And never point it at anyone unless you're going to shoot." Y/n guided, showing her how to handle the gun. "Where'd you learn how to use a gun?" She asked. "My brother taught me." "Where is he?" "Home, with the rest of my family." "You have a family, and you're choosing to live on the streets?" "It's complicated. Look, I'll be back every week to check in. Stay safe."

    In the next two weeks he checked up on them every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday night. He'd play cards with them, and bring food and extra blankets. And just make sure they were okay.

    One time Y/n walked up to the entrance to their place and found the door already opened. Y/n pushed the door open and found the place had been ransacked, everything was torn up or destroyed, misplaced or turned over. This wasn't the worst sight. Both of the kids lay in the mess, with bullets in their bodies. Y/n groaned, looking away. He turned, seeing bullet holes in the wall. Nine of them to be exact. Nine bullets in her gun. They were ambushed, and killed in the process.

    Y/n stood on the street, at a payphone. He called the police department. "GCPD." A man stated. "I need to talk to Gordon."

    Y/n and Gordon walked through an alley. "What'd you call for, son?" Gordon asked, "And what's with the clothes?" "I'm taking a break from the family. Listen, I need help, follow me."

    They walked into the safehouse. "Geez, poor kids." "It was Maroni's nephew. He killed their parents. You got any reports lately of two kids robbing a store, assaulting an officer?" "Yeah, little buggers got away." Gordon looked around the crime scene. "These kids. She was looking out for themselves after their parents were killed." "How do you know so much about them?" Gordon asked, seeing a distraught look on the kids face.

    Y/n looked at Gordon, turning away again. "I found them in a shelter, my mom knew their mom back in the day. They needed help, so I set them up here. Then Maroni's nephew made some trouble. I held them off, stole some cash and a gun. Left it with these kids for their safety. You know how the streets are. And then I found them like this. Dead."

    Gordon looked at Y/n. "Case'll never stick. He's too slippery. Did you tell Batman?" "He doesn't even know where I am. I'd be surprised if he knew I left." "Okay, stay safe. I'll get this handled." Gordon said, and left. He left Y/n to think about his failure.

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