Chapter 4.0

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With Tim's recovery, Bruce, and even Tim agreed that he was no longer Robin. What he was was to be determined. But in the meantime, Batman took to training a brand new Robin. A female Robin by the name of Stephanie Brown. She trained a lot. But when she wasn't she was hanging out with Cass, or Y/n. And she'd visit her old friend Tim occasionally.

About three months in, Batman and Robin got into a fight. They split ways and Stephanie started the plan for a gang war, not knowing that Batman had a plan to keep things in control. And right now, Stephanie was injured. She was rushed into the Batcave on a gurney.

Bruce ran by without his cowl, as well as Alfred and Lee Thompkins, a doctor and psychiatrist that helps the Batfamily occasionally. Right now, she was ordering around Alfred to patch Stephanie up. And across the room, watching from a distance was an eight year old boy, frozen in fear.

He stood with wide green eyes, recognizing his friend-no, his sister injured. "Y/n?" A woman walked up to him, clearly looking for the boy. "Y/n." She put her hand on his shoulder. "You know you're not allowed..." She stopped, following his gaze to see Stephanie. "Come on."

Lee pressed her hands against a wound on Steph's left shoulder. Blood leaked between the fingers of her latex gloves and onto the gurney. She called out orders to Alfred as they started treating her wounds. Bruce stood a few feet away, his bruised face numb and emotionless as he looked at Stephanie.

Upstairs Y/n was in his room. He just sat at his desk with headphones playing music into his ears, tears welling in his eyes as he tried not to think about it. He scribbled a pencil against a paper mindlessly. His mom was pacing around his desk, talking to him. He couldn't hear her, her voice was muffled. He was too busy running through the scenarios in his head. What happened, if she would recover, and what he would do if she died.

The end of the pencil snapped as Selina broke through the sound barrier over Y/n's head: "Y/n!" He took off the headphones, looking up at his mother. "She'll be okay. Lee is a great doctor." "You always say that, but we're not always okay. Wh-what if she's not okay. What if Tim never gets better, what if-what if I get hurt?"

Selina walked around the table and kneeled in front of her son, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Y/n, no one will hurt you. You have dad, Cassie, Jay-Jay, Richie, Timmy, Steph, Babs, me. Eight people who would do anything to protect you."

He saw how worried his mother was, and he didn't want to worry her further. He knew his family had responsibilities for the people. He knew a lot of things, but he also knew that him being sad and anxious wasn't going to be a big help. So he nodded his head as his mother embraced him. It was this moment when Y/n realized he'd have to put himself aside for the others. That he'd have to keep it all in.

Stephanie Brown lay in a bed in the batcave. She was sleeping, and there was medical equipment plugged into her. A boy sat next to her, an eight year old boy with black hair and green eyes. He sat in the armchair next to her bed, tapping his foot rapidly against the floorboard. He didn't notice Steph stirring in her sleep, reliving what happened in her nightmares.


Robin was rolled in a chair forward, a bag over her head. "You see, I told Batman just a few months ago that I'd hunt down his little bird boys-er-and girls. And what did he do? He took another one! What is this, four now?" Stephanie knew this voice, the voice of Joker.

And it terrified her, she knew what he's done, done to the others. She went through with that plan, but had no idea it would spiral out of control like this. She could only guess Batman, Orphan, Nighting, Red Hood, and Batgirl were out defending the city. From a war she started.

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